I was a super stepper yesterday! I walked 2 miles at 3 mph in the morning and then enjoyed a walk in the warm afternoon air later.
Calorie deficit = 225. Steps = 11,345.
I am excited for 2011!
My resolutions are in place! My goals are set! My attitude is primed! My mind is focused!
Here I come 2011!!!
Enjoy the last day of 2010. Big hugs all 'round!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
New Year!
It is almost January and almost 2011. I am thinking hard about my new year resolutions.
The short list of possibilities:
- Stop drinking Diet Coke
- Prepare and plan meals in advance
- Always have breakfast that takes less than 5 minutes to prepare on hand - been toying with a steel cut oats recipe that allows me to freeze it after it is made in individual servings. So far so good. Recipe needs tweaked some though. I will share when it is mastered.
- Remove cheese from my diet so that I eat it less than once per week.
- Increase my nut intake and monounsaturated fats
- Take my fish oil supplement daily
- Do not eat bread unless it is 100% whole wheat.
- Remove ALL HFCS from my home and do not allow it to enter.
- Get more involved and my daughter's school... yada yada yada...
What are your resolutions? I will let you know what I finally decide to focus on!
- Tracy
The short list of possibilities:
- Stop drinking Diet Coke
- Prepare and plan meals in advance
- Always have breakfast that takes less than 5 minutes to prepare on hand - been toying with a steel cut oats recipe that allows me to freeze it after it is made in individual servings. So far so good. Recipe needs tweaked some though. I will share when it is mastered.
- Remove cheese from my diet so that I eat it less than once per week.
- Increase my nut intake and monounsaturated fats
- Take my fish oil supplement daily
- Do not eat bread unless it is 100% whole wheat.
- Remove ALL HFCS from my home and do not allow it to enter.
- Get more involved and my daughter's school... yada yada yada...
What are your resolutions? I will let you know what I finally decide to focus on!
- Tracy
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The last two days have shown me why I gained weight. I ate whatever I wanted and didn't exercize. Though the scales haven't showed an increase, they would over time if I continued in my current pattern.
Calorie surplus = 302. Steps = 5646.
I am going to get on the treadmill today and log some steps!!!
I finally settled on some long-term goals that are comfortable for me and my lifestyle. They are reasonable and healthy. According to the BodyMedia site, if I lose 1.5 pounds a week, I will be at my goal of 175 by January 12, 2012. That's a calorie deficit of 750 and 10,000 steps each day. I know from the past 9 weeks that translates to one hour of walking. I can do that!
This fits in with our January Challenge so no chnages there are necessary!
My resolution for 2011 is to reach 175. How will do that? I will consume, on average, 750 calories less than my body needs to maintain my weight. (Yes, I realize this will mean I will have to eat less over time. And, I will go to the doctor and get blood work done to check thyroid and other things.) I will walk at least an hour every day.
I will also make a few adjustments to the food I buy and consume. Here are the guidelines I will follow:
No added salt (BTW, salt substitute is awful. Don't bother!!!!!)
Whole grains only (except for rice)
No cheese as a condiment or as a main ingrediant
Only non-fat milk, cottage cheese, and yogurt
Fish once a week
I am looking forward to 2011 with great enthusiasm!
Calorie surplus = 302. Steps = 5646.
I am going to get on the treadmill today and log some steps!!!
I finally settled on some long-term goals that are comfortable for me and my lifestyle. They are reasonable and healthy. According to the BodyMedia site, if I lose 1.5 pounds a week, I will be at my goal of 175 by January 12, 2012. That's a calorie deficit of 750 and 10,000 steps each day. I know from the past 9 weeks that translates to one hour of walking. I can do that!
This fits in with our January Challenge so no chnages there are necessary!
My resolution for 2011 is to reach 175. How will do that? I will consume, on average, 750 calories less than my body needs to maintain my weight. (Yes, I realize this will mean I will have to eat less over time. And, I will go to the doctor and get blood work done to check thyroid and other things.) I will walk at least an hour every day.
I will also make a few adjustments to the food I buy and consume. Here are the guidelines I will follow:
No added salt (BTW, salt substitute is awful. Don't bother!!!!!)
Whole grains only (except for rice)
No cheese as a condiment or as a main ingrediant
Only non-fat milk, cottage cheese, and yogurt
Fish once a week
I am looking forward to 2011 with great enthusiasm!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Benefits of Tea
I have been reading a bunch about the benefits of tea lately. So, I bought some Green Tea with Jasmine. Oh my goodness it is so yummy! I think I now have my new morning drink (at least through the winter). It is much better than my usual Diet Coke. I don't drink coffee so I have a Diet Coke in the AM and then water the rest of the day. I think I just found my diet coke replacement! Yuma Yuma Yum!
What kind of Tea's do you like?
Weigh in Wednesday!
Tracy - 341 - one pound higher than last week. I am sure it is due to the lack of exercise and the fact that I am sick again. This cold thing is ridiculous. At least this time I have my voice.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I found out that although you can make and set new goals on the BodyMedia site, you can't get a complete fresh start. The original date and weight will always be there.
I am looking forward to January and getting started again with new goals, but I am also enjoying this week off!
Yesterday, I enjoyed a dinner out at O'Charley's. I had the cedar plank salmon and it was wonderful! I also had broccoli and a salad. Wanna hear something amazing? I only had 1 roll!
I didn't walk on the treadmill so my numbers are not very good: Steps = 4,978. Calorie deficit = 186.
It's "Weigh-in Wednesday!" I am still steady at 255. I've been there for 3 weeks straight.
Have a good day!
I am looking forward to January and getting started again with new goals, but I am also enjoying this week off!
Yesterday, I enjoyed a dinner out at O'Charley's. I had the cedar plank salmon and it was wonderful! I also had broccoli and a salad. Wanna hear something amazing? I only had 1 roll!
I didn't walk on the treadmill so my numbers are not very good: Steps = 4,978. Calorie deficit = 186.
It's "Weigh-in Wednesday!" I am still steady at 255. I've been there for 3 weeks straight.
Have a good day!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Well, I got the kids dropped off in Pennsylvannia! I packed some healthy snacks for the trip, but we had breakfast at McDonald's and lunch at Wendy's. I made good choices at both places. We had Chinese take-out for dinner. Not a bad day overall. I even got some steps in!
Calorie deficit = 247. Steps = 7889.
I haven't had chance to call and find out how to completely redo my goals. I want to make the program look as though I started from scratch on January 1st. I'll use the weight from my analog scale and set a calorie defict that I'm sure I can meet, but that will still challenge me. From what I can tell so far, a loss of 1.5 pounds a week, average steps of 10,000 and calorie deficit of 500 is reasonable. I don't think that I'll have to change anything for the January Challenge except calorie deficit. I'll let you know, Tracy!
Someone also suggested that I schedule an appointment with my doctor and have blood work done. I plan on doing that! I would like to check for thyroid function and to see what my cholesterol and other blood fats are.
So, along with working and putting away Christmas decorations, I'm going to make two phone calls today -- one to the BodyMedia help line and one to my doctor.
Have a great day! 2011 is right around the corner!
Calorie deficit = 247. Steps = 7889.
I haven't had chance to call and find out how to completely redo my goals. I want to make the program look as though I started from scratch on January 1st. I'll use the weight from my analog scale and set a calorie defict that I'm sure I can meet, but that will still challenge me. From what I can tell so far, a loss of 1.5 pounds a week, average steps of 10,000 and calorie deficit of 500 is reasonable. I don't think that I'll have to change anything for the January Challenge except calorie deficit. I'll let you know, Tracy!
Someone also suggested that I schedule an appointment with my doctor and have blood work done. I plan on doing that! I would like to check for thyroid function and to see what my cholesterol and other blood fats are.
So, along with working and putting away Christmas decorations, I'm going to make two phone calls today -- one to the BodyMedia help line and one to my doctor.
Have a great day! 2011 is right around the corner!
Monday, December 27, 2010
YOU on a diet - Update
Well, I am now further in and can say that the plan looks like something that would work for me. I will outline the specifics real soon. This is one of those books that I wish I had in the book form (I have it in Kindle format). It would be much easier to navigate and plan. I think what I am going to start doing is to take notes as I go along.
The basics... It is very much like the Mediterranean diet with some specific alterations to help curb hunger and to make sure that vitamin requirements are met. I like the idea that the diet is mostly automated for the sake of ease. I even like the recipes. I think I can get my husband to eat at last half of the recipes even! So, far I am loving the book!
- Tracy
The basics... It is very much like the Mediterranean diet with some specific alterations to help curb hunger and to make sure that vitamin requirements are met. I like the idea that the diet is mostly automated for the sake of ease. I even like the recipes. I think I can get my husband to eat at last half of the recipes even! So, far I am loving the book!
- Tracy
December 27, 2010
I went shopping yesterday and got some great after Christmas bargins! I have some great step numbers, too!
Calorie deficit = 175 Steps = 10,152
I'm going to be in the car today driving the kids to meet the other grandmother half-way between her house and ours. They will be there for a week. I'm really looking forward to the break. I'm not expecting to get great step numbers today.
I'm going to re-do my plan on the BodyMedia site. It allows you the option to set your goals and project the length of time it will take you reach your desired weight. After two months with the program, I am realizing that my life and personality don't fit with what's required to get where I wanted to be as quickly as I wanted to get there. Rather than force myself into a plan that will end up making me miserable because I can't achieve the goals, it seems best to use the information I've gained to make a plan that will work for me.
More specifically, to get to 170 by June, I would have to exercize 1 1/2 hours a day and have a calorie deficit of 1,000 per day. That's just not possible time-wise and doesn't fit with my lifestyle and my personality. Goals should be challenging, but realistic. If they are not, failure will occur.
I'll let you know what I come up with. I'm expecting that I'll want to change my calorie deficit to something like 500 per day.
The book that Tracy is reading sounds interesting. I'm going to go check and see if I can get it for my Nook!
Have a great day!
Calorie deficit = 175 Steps = 10,152
I'm going to be in the car today driving the kids to meet the other grandmother half-way between her house and ours. They will be there for a week. I'm really looking forward to the break. I'm not expecting to get great step numbers today.
I'm going to re-do my plan on the BodyMedia site. It allows you the option to set your goals and project the length of time it will take you reach your desired weight. After two months with the program, I am realizing that my life and personality don't fit with what's required to get where I wanted to be as quickly as I wanted to get there. Rather than force myself into a plan that will end up making me miserable because I can't achieve the goals, it seems best to use the information I've gained to make a plan that will work for me.
More specifically, to get to 170 by June, I would have to exercize 1 1/2 hours a day and have a calorie deficit of 1,000 per day. That's just not possible time-wise and doesn't fit with my lifestyle and my personality. Goals should be challenging, but realistic. If they are not, failure will occur.
I'll let you know what I come up with. I'm expecting that I'll want to change my calorie deficit to something like 500 per day.
The book that Tracy is reading sounds interesting. I'm going to go check and see if I can get it for my Nook!
Have a great day!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
YOU on a diet
I am currently reading this book. So far, I have had one Ah Ha moment while reading it. It is in regards to High Frutcose Corn Syrup. I read basically that the body does not register that you are taking in these calories (similar to non-calorie sweetners) HOWEVER, it is packed with calories! This is why you can eat a million snacks and drinks with this stuff and you never get full. You just keep eating yourself into a comma. Scary stuff!
So, far the book is good at showing how the body works and how all of the chemicals effect your weight. It seems a bit overwhelming to me and I actually skipped to the "plan" after about half way through this section. I am only a few pages into the "plan" so far. I will be sure to come back and let you know what I think. So far, I think the suggestion will be the same as most plans these days... "Eat Whole Foods and Less Processed Foods". I do this as much as possible now. What I have to do now is to eliminate cheese and high fat animal based foods.
Will keep you up to date as I go!
- Tracy
So, far the book is good at showing how the body works and how all of the chemicals effect your weight. It seems a bit overwhelming to me and I actually skipped to the "plan" after about half way through this section. I am only a few pages into the "plan" so far. I will be sure to come back and let you know what I think. So far, I think the suggestion will be the same as most plans these days... "Eat Whole Foods and Less Processed Foods". I do this as much as possible now. What I have to do now is to eliminate cheese and high fat animal based foods.
Will keep you up to date as I go!
- Tracy
Stomach Crunches!
Well, I got my yoga mat that I asked for for Christmas. My husband is the best. So, last night my 8 year old and I did crunches. She is ready to motivate me to complete these each day. It was kind of fun and 20 is way easy now. I am thinking I am going to try for some advanced stomach exercises as well as standard crunches. With the new mat, a whole new world of exercises open up. Perhaps some Yoga moves? It really helps to keep may back from hurting!
Any ideas for good stomach exercises out there? Need some help in this area!
- Tracy
Any ideas for good stomach exercises out there? Need some help in this area!
- Tracy
BodyMedia Numbers for 24th and 25th...
BodyMedia FIT data for December 24, 2010
Calories Burned - 2852 | Calories Consumed - 2358 | Total Activity - 0:19 | Moderate Activity - 0:19 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 3590 | Sleep Duration - 8:16 | Lying Down - 8:56 | Sleep Efficiency - 93%
Deficit - 494
BodyMedia FIT data for December 25, 2010
Calories Burned - 2738 | Calories Consumed - 1600 | Total Activity - 0:07 | Moderate Activity - 0:07 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 2330 | Sleep Duration - 7:18 | Lying Down - 7:59 | Sleep Efficiency - 91%
Deficit - 1138
Saturday, December 25, 2010
December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!
For the past two days, I have been taking a break. I decided to have whatever I wanted, but try to get some steps. I wore the BodyMedia armband and recorded my food as best I could. Tomorrow, I will return to reducing my caloric intake. I simply found it too hard to try and not have the things that were basically laying right in front of me the past two days.
To the best of my knowledge here are the results from Christmas Eve and Christmas Day:
12/24/10 Steps = 9,688. Calorie surplus = 655
12/25/10 Steps = 8,593. Calorie surplus = 796
I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday!
For the past two days, I have been taking a break. I decided to have whatever I wanted, but try to get some steps. I wore the BodyMedia armband and recorded my food as best I could. Tomorrow, I will return to reducing my caloric intake. I simply found it too hard to try and not have the things that were basically laying right in front of me the past two days.
To the best of my knowledge here are the results from Christmas Eve and Christmas Day:
12/24/10 Steps = 9,688. Calorie surplus = 655
12/25/10 Steps = 8,593. Calorie surplus = 796
I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday!
Merry Christmas!
Sorry that I have not posted until now. We had an awesome Christmas with our family. We did not have any parties to go to or any extravagant meals. My main negative has been not getting in many steps. I am going to "try" to hit the gym after work tomorrow night. I stayed the 2k calorie range today. Yesterday, I think the 6 pieces of cornbread might have done me in on that 2k target. It is done now... I will move on and do my best tomorrow!
Panini recipes will be incoming and possibly some slow cooker recipes as well! Can you tell what I got for Christmas? I also got some herb refills for my indoor garden! YAY!!!
I hope that your holidays are fantastic!
- Tracy
Panini recipes will be incoming and possibly some slow cooker recipes as well! Can you tell what I got for Christmas? I also got some herb refills for my indoor garden! YAY!!!
I hope that your holidays are fantastic!
- Tracy
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Challenge Final!
Tracy | Steps | Deficit | Sodium | Fat% |
8817 | 1695 | 3018 | 32.74 |
Diana | Steps | Deficit | Sodium | Fat% |
8892 | 669 | 3198 | 36% |
Progress 12/23
BodyMedia FIT data for December 23, 2010
Calories Burned - 3233 | Calories Consumed - 1681 | Total Activity - 0:35 | Moderate Activity - 0:35 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 6848 | Sleep Duration - 10:14 | Lying Down - 11:53 | Sleep Efficiency - 86%
Steps - 6848
Deficit - 1552
Sodium - 1964
Deficit - 1552
Sodium - 1964
Fat - 26.9
As you can see, I spent lots of time sleeping and not a lot of time working out. I am really trying hard not to get sick right now. The whole house is on the verge. Today will be taking it easy again today. I will "try" to update our final numbers later today.
Merry Christmas!
- Tracy
- Tracy
Friday, December 24, 2010
I ended the Christmas Challenge on a bright note!
Calorie deficit = 713 Steps = 10,527. Water = 64 ounces. Sodium = 3,311.
Fat = 43%
Despite my ups and downs over the past month, I can honestly say that I am proud of my efforts. Even though I didn't meet the goals and even though I haven't lost any weight in more than 2 weeks, I exercized a lot more than I have in years. I also was faithful and accurate in my reporting and I made an effort to make healthier choices at the table. I continued on my quest for a healthier me!
I will take a week off from stated goals. Our next challenge starts in January. I'll continue logging in and posting. And, of course, I'll continue to use the BodyMedia band to work on my ultimate goal!
Tonight is our big family celebration. I'll navigate through the temptations as best I can. Tomorrow is a smaller celebration, but temptations will still be present.
Have a great day! I'll be thinking about you!
Calorie deficit = 713 Steps = 10,527. Water = 64 ounces. Sodium = 3,311.
Fat = 43%
Despite my ups and downs over the past month, I can honestly say that I am proud of my efforts. Even though I didn't meet the goals and even though I haven't lost any weight in more than 2 weeks, I exercized a lot more than I have in years. I also was faithful and accurate in my reporting and I made an effort to make healthier choices at the table. I continued on my quest for a healthier me!
I will take a week off from stated goals. Our next challenge starts in January. I'll continue logging in and posting. And, of course, I'll continue to use the BodyMedia band to work on my ultimate goal!
Tonight is our big family celebration. I'll navigate through the temptations as best I can. Tomorrow is a smaller celebration, but temptations will still be present.
Have a great day! I'll be thinking about you!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Diana's post 12/22
Wednesday's numbers weren't all that great. I've really been having a hard time lately.
Calorie deficit = 520 Steps - 7,761 (That's two miles on the treadmill at 3 mph plus my basic walking around the house.) Water = 64 ounces Sodium = 3,551 Fat = 32%
On a brighter note -- I just walked 3 miles at 3 mph on the treadmill!! That sure worked up a sweat!
- Diana
- Diana
Progress 12/22

Steps - 6,951
Deficit - 1479
Sodium - 2421
Fat - 32.1
Fat - 32.1
I did not meet my steps goal or deficit. I have been starting to get sick and to avoid this, I am opting for sleep. My body is worn down from the constant running and stress of the holidays. The good news is.....
We will have some time off after this. Yay! We will still post but won't be driven mad women about getting our steps in.
We will have some time off after this. Yay! We will still post but won't be driven mad women about getting our steps in.
Today, I will be shopping. I will not make it to the gym. I am going to make my husband park in the back of the lots and we will walk and jog a bit while we are out. We are also going to try to hit a movie (Tron). I will let ya know how it goes!
Have a great day!
- Tracy
Have a great day!
- Tracy
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Progress for 12/21
BodyMedia FIT data for December 21, 2010
Calories Burned - 3320 | Calories Consumed - 1422 | Total Activity - 1:27 | Moderate Activity - 1:27 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 9913 | Sleep Duration - 7:51 | Lying Down - 8:27 | Sleep Efficiency - 93%
Steps - 9913
Deficit - 1898
Sodium - 2241
Deficit - 1898
Sodium - 2241
Fat - 19.7%
As with everyday, today will be a challenge. I work all day and then I want to hit the gym tonight.
Have a great day!?
- Tracy
- Tracy
Two Month Anniversary!
After I'd made an earlier post, I realized that today is the two month anniversary for me wearing the BodyMedia armband.
My first 6 weeks went really well. According to my old scales, I'd lost 15 pounds. I started at 260. Two weeks ago I bought new scales. Since there was big discrepancy (10 pounds), I redid my goals and started with the weight the new scales were giving me (255). In the past two weeks I haven't lost any weight. Nope! None! I have stayed EXACTLY the same.
The report function of the BodyMedia system gives the following averages for the past two weeks:
Calorie Deficit = 624
Steps = 8,277
Calories consumed = 1940
Calories burned 2,564
Minutes of moderate exercise = 47
While these averages are off my target, there is still a deficit. I should be showing a loss of a couple pounds.
I am discouraged. I am also hopeful that the loss will show up soon.
Don't worry, I won't give up.
My first 6 weeks went really well. According to my old scales, I'd lost 15 pounds. I started at 260. Two weeks ago I bought new scales. Since there was big discrepancy (10 pounds), I redid my goals and started with the weight the new scales were giving me (255). In the past two weeks I haven't lost any weight. Nope! None! I have stayed EXACTLY the same.
The report function of the BodyMedia system gives the following averages for the past two weeks:
Calorie Deficit = 624
Steps = 8,277
Calories consumed = 1940
Calories burned 2,564
Minutes of moderate exercise = 47
While these averages are off my target, there is still a deficit. I should be showing a loss of a couple pounds.
I am discouraged. I am also hopeful that the loss will show up soon.
Don't worry, I won't give up.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Yesterday was certainly not the best day I've had. I tried to walk, but my energy was completely zapped. I'm not sure if it was because I donated blood the day before, or just the fact that I've been burning the candle at both ends, but I simply couldn't do it. I ended up going to bed at 7:00 last night. I slept the entire night (unusual for me) and got 8 hours and 2 minutes of sleep!
Calorie deficit - 123. Steps = 4,185. Water = 3,512. Fat = 44%.
I managed to keep my food consumption somewhat under control and squeaked in a deficit.
I plan to walk today on the treadmill and will try to make up steps.
Have good day!
Calorie deficit - 123. Steps = 4,185. Water = 3,512. Fat = 44%.
I managed to keep my food consumption somewhat under control and squeaked in a deficit.
I plan to walk today on the treadmill and will try to make up steps.
Have good day!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
That is how many calories I need to burn to lose another 143 pounds! I think I am going to start a count down....
- Tracy
- Tracy
Progress 12/20
BodyMedia FIT data for December 20, 2010
Calories Burned - 3945 | Calories Consumed - 1730 | Total Activity - 1:54 | Moderate Activity - 1:54 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 12986 | Sleep Duration - 7:25 | Lying Down - 7:44 | Sleep Efficiency - 96%
Steps - 12,986
Deficit - 2215
Sodium - 7756 (yikes, Chinese?) I guess I know why my fingers feel so swollen!
Fat - 28.7
Sodium - 7756 (yikes, Chinese?) I guess I know why my fingers feel so swollen!
Fat - 28.7
Work out consisted of 30 minutes elliptical, 45 minutes treadmill and the rest walking the track (about 30 minutes). Today I work and then will hit the gym!
Have a great Anniversary Diana!
- Tracy
Have a great Anniversary Diana!
- Tracy
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Yesterday's numbers could have been better. At least I'm getting my steps in!
Calorie deficit = 536. Steps = 11,640. Water = 64 ounces. Sodium = 3,409. Fat = 48%.
Today is my wedding anniversary!! Michael and I have been married for three years. He's my life partner, my best friend, my confidant, my lover. Quite simply, he's the best man in the world for me. I couldn't be happier!
I bought some lovely sirloin steaks for dinner. I picked sirloin instead of my usual rib steaks because they have less fat. I'll cook them on the George Foreman grill. I got some mini bellas to sautee and nice vegetables for a salad.
I work today and am actually grateful for the "break!" hahaha There's been too much running around and geting ready for Chirstmas lately!
Have a good day! Walk more! Eat less!
Calorie deficit = 536. Steps = 11,640. Water = 64 ounces. Sodium = 3,409. Fat = 48%.
Today is my wedding anniversary!! Michael and I have been married for three years. He's my life partner, my best friend, my confidant, my lover. Quite simply, he's the best man in the world for me. I couldn't be happier!
I bought some lovely sirloin steaks for dinner. I picked sirloin instead of my usual rib steaks because they have less fat. I'll cook them on the George Foreman grill. I got some mini bellas to sautee and nice vegetables for a salad.
I work today and am actually grateful for the "break!" hahaha There's been too much running around and geting ready for Chirstmas lately!
Have a good day! Walk more! Eat less!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Well, I made it through my sister's Christmas Party with just a couple dings! One thing's for sure, I love snacky foods and tidbits! I did have some candy, sausage wraps, nuts and dips, but I was relatively reasonable in the number of things I ate. My fat and sodium are too high because I made those choices, but I'm not feeling too badly about it all.
Calorie deficit = 577. Steps = 11,382. Water = 64 ounces. Sodium = 4,329. Fat = 44%.
After this week, the challenges that the holidays bring will be over. My wedding anniversary is tomorrow. We met at Olive Garden, so we usually go there for dinner. I'm nixing that idea because I ALWAYS overeat when we go there. I think that I'll buy a couple really nice steaks or a piece of fish and cook here instead. That way, I'll know exactly what I'm eating.
After that, I have to deal with the meal on Christmas Eve. There will be high calorie foods there to tempt me. If I can avoid the cheesecake (OMG, I LOVE cheesecake!)I'll consider it a major victory. I should be able to avoid the other major temptations.
On Christmas Day, we are hosting my in-laws for dinner. It will a total carb fest of side dishes AND we're deep frying a turkey! There will also be a pumpkin roll beckoning me from the sidelines. I didn't really have much say on the menu. (Hey, aren't I the hostess??????) I think that I'll add some things to the menu so I don't go into a tail spin.
Lord, help me!!!
I have been doing really well on the treadmill the past 4 days. I can walk 2 miles at 3 mph without stopping. I would like to up it to 3 miles. I'm going to give it a shot today. I'm off today and will be doing some shopping. I don't have to cook since Michael is going to a buddy's tonight and the grandkids aren't here for a couple days. Maybe when I'm shopping today, I'll swing into Meijer's and get nice piece of fish for myself ...
Have a great day!
Calorie deficit = 577. Steps = 11,382. Water = 64 ounces. Sodium = 4,329. Fat = 44%.
After this week, the challenges that the holidays bring will be over. My wedding anniversary is tomorrow. We met at Olive Garden, so we usually go there for dinner. I'm nixing that idea because I ALWAYS overeat when we go there. I think that I'll buy a couple really nice steaks or a piece of fish and cook here instead. That way, I'll know exactly what I'm eating.
After that, I have to deal with the meal on Christmas Eve. There will be high calorie foods there to tempt me. If I can avoid the cheesecake (OMG, I LOVE cheesecake!)I'll consider it a major victory. I should be able to avoid the other major temptations.
On Christmas Day, we are hosting my in-laws for dinner. It will a total carb fest of side dishes AND we're deep frying a turkey! There will also be a pumpkin roll beckoning me from the sidelines. I didn't really have much say on the menu. (Hey, aren't I the hostess??????) I think that I'll add some things to the menu so I don't go into a tail spin.
Lord, help me!!!
I have been doing really well on the treadmill the past 4 days. I can walk 2 miles at 3 mph without stopping. I would like to up it to 3 miles. I'm going to give it a shot today. I'm off today and will be doing some shopping. I don't have to cook since Michael is going to a buddy's tonight and the grandkids aren't here for a couple days. Maybe when I'm shopping today, I'll swing into Meijer's and get nice piece of fish for myself ...
Have a great day!
Progress 12/19
BodyMedia FIT data for December 19, 2010
Calories Burned - 3795 | Calories Consumed - 1437 | Total Activity - 2:00 | Moderate Activity - 1:58 | Vigorous Activity - 0:02 | Steps Taken - 13653 | Sleep Duration - 9:07 | Lying Down - 10:19 | Sleep Efficiency - 88%
Steps - 13,657
Deficit - 2358
Sodium - 2514
Fat - 19%
Stayed up late watching Julie and Julia. My baby is at a sleep over. I miss her so much. Up early in the morning to go to the gym and then Zumba tomorrow night. I have to make 12, 204 steps each of the last 4 days of this challenge to meet my step goal. I am going to make this goal for sure!
I placed some ideas out there about our next challenge. I am thinking that we should have a break from goals the week after Christmas and then start in the first of January with the new Challenge. Well, unless you would like to do a short challenge just for 5 days or something Diana. What do you say?
Have a fantastic day and keep moving!
- Tracy
- Tracy
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Progress for 12/18
BodyMedia FIT data for December 18, 2010
Calories Burned - 3051 | Calories Consumed - 1586 | Total Activity - 0:06 | Moderate Activity - 0:06 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 3503 | Sleep Duration - 7:06 | Lying Down - 8:09 | Sleep Efficiency - 87%
Steps - 3503
Deficit - 1456
Sodium - 4525 (HAM)
Fat - 27.8
Deficit - 1456
Sodium - 4525 (HAM)
Fat - 27.8
I opted to hang with my family that was here from out of town instead of going to the gym. I will be paying for that this week! I will meet my goals though... Tonight after work I am heading to the gym until they close. I am hoping to get in a couple of hours and make up at least 2k steps. Monday I will be doing the same and then I am going to try to attend a Zumba Class in the evening! That should be fun!
Have a great day and keep moving!
- Tracy
Have a great day and keep moving!
- Tracy
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Yesterday's numbers are good. Calorie deficit = 1,180. Steps = 9,801.
Water = 64+. Sodium = 2,778. Fat = 37%
As I near my two month anniversary with the BodyMedia armband, I have to say how much I love it. The armband and the on-line support are great. It's so beneficial to see minute-to-minute how I'm doing in regard to my weightloss goals. I have been very faithful in my reporting, so I know that the numbers are accurate. I love the charts and graphs; it's very interesting to see my efforts over time. The very best thing? It's all about me!!! hahahaha
Keep on truckin'!
Water = 64+. Sodium = 2,778. Fat = 37%
As I near my two month anniversary with the BodyMedia armband, I have to say how much I love it. The armband and the on-line support are great. It's so beneficial to see minute-to-minute how I'm doing in regard to my weightloss goals. I have been very faithful in my reporting, so I know that the numbers are accurate. I love the charts and graphs; it's very interesting to see my efforts over time. The very best thing? It's all about me!!! hahahaha
Keep on truckin'!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Progress 12/17
BodyMedia FIT data for December 17, 2010
Calories Burned - 3518 | Calories Consumed - 2041 | Total Activity - 1:09 | Moderate Activity - 1:07 | Vigorous Activity - 0:02 | Steps Taken - 8508 | Sleep Duration - 9:07 | Lying Down - 9:50 | Sleep Efficiency - 93%
Steps - 8508
Deficit- 1477 (dang that Chipotle!)
Deficit- 1477 (dang that Chipotle!)
Sodium - 3140
Fat - 45.3 (Again, dang that Chipotle!)
Ok, so I forgot to take my meds yesterday so when I was at the gym I started feeling like I was going to pass out. So, needless to say, the gym visit was cut very short (4500 steps). So, I went shopping! Looks like I gained another 4k steps shopping. I will kick it up later tonight when I hit the gym.
Take care!
Saturday, Decmber 18, 2010
Tracy is right, I've been sort of down in the dumps the past week.
Part of it might be that I was sick for a few days and couldn't get my exercize in. Walking REALLY helps my overall attitude. I still have symptoms, but I wouldn't gross you out with the details!
The other part of it is the scale situation. The old scales needed to go, so I tossed them. I decided that it didn't really matter what sort I got, so I got a $15 analog scale. They weigh 10 pounds heavier than the old set. That alone threw me into a funk. I had to re-do my numbers and it felt like I had accomplished nothing. I know that's silly, but it felt that way! To make matters worse, they haven't budged in a week. Still the same weight since last Thursday! Boo! Hiss!
It's so true that the scales don't rule my life and shouldn't affect my motivation. Still they seem to have such power! My sister, Karen, thinks it's funny that I can tell you exactly how much I weighed at different points and major events in my life. "When I got married, I weighed 205." "When I met Michael, I weighed
175. "When I went to Weight Watchers at age 14, I weighed 150." Those numbers are all accurate. In many ways, the scale has defined my life. Since that hasn't worked out too well for me, I obviously need to make a change.
Alright, Tracy, let's start a tradition. "Weigh in Wednesday" it is! We can start next Wednesday. That's the two month anniversary for me wearing the BodyMedia armband. I'll agree to post my weight no matter what it is. I'll put my scales away and will only take them out on Wednesdays. (I'm getting up and putting them away right now.) Just so you know, when I started 7 weeks ago, my old scales said I weighed 260. The day I threw them out, they said I weighed 245. The morning after I bought the new ones, they new scales said I weighed 255. They haven't budged since. I figure that I've lost 15 pounds or so in the last 7 weeks. But, those numbers don't really matter. Intellectually, I know that! My screwed up, societially-influenced "weight matters" attitude needs to go! Let's concentrate on exercize and reducing caloric intake!
How did I do yesterday? Not bad. Calorie deficit - 709. Steps = 10,550. Water = 64. Sodium = 5,005. (Ritz crackers) Fat = 46% (Cheese with the Ritz crackers)
As I look ahead to the New Year's Challenge, I would like to add crunches. That seems like a great idea. I'm not crazy about the "Vegan Day." I'll do a weekly "Fish Day" instead. As it is now, I only eat fish twice a month or so.
Have a great day! Big hugs to you, Tracy! You are keeping me going!!!!
Part of it might be that I was sick for a few days and couldn't get my exercize in. Walking REALLY helps my overall attitude. I still have symptoms, but I wouldn't gross you out with the details!
The other part of it is the scale situation. The old scales needed to go, so I tossed them. I decided that it didn't really matter what sort I got, so I got a $15 analog scale. They weigh 10 pounds heavier than the old set. That alone threw me into a funk. I had to re-do my numbers and it felt like I had accomplished nothing. I know that's silly, but it felt that way! To make matters worse, they haven't budged in a week. Still the same weight since last Thursday! Boo! Hiss!
It's so true that the scales don't rule my life and shouldn't affect my motivation. Still they seem to have such power! My sister, Karen, thinks it's funny that I can tell you exactly how much I weighed at different points and major events in my life. "When I got married, I weighed 205." "When I met Michael, I weighed
175. "When I went to Weight Watchers at age 14, I weighed 150." Those numbers are all accurate. In many ways, the scale has defined my life. Since that hasn't worked out too well for me, I obviously need to make a change.
Alright, Tracy, let's start a tradition. "Weigh in Wednesday" it is! We can start next Wednesday. That's the two month anniversary for me wearing the BodyMedia armband. I'll agree to post my weight no matter what it is. I'll put my scales away and will only take them out on Wednesdays. (I'm getting up and putting them away right now.) Just so you know, when I started 7 weeks ago, my old scales said I weighed 260. The day I threw them out, they said I weighed 245. The morning after I bought the new ones, they new scales said I weighed 255. They haven't budged since. I figure that I've lost 15 pounds or so in the last 7 weeks. But, those numbers don't really matter. Intellectually, I know that! My screwed up, societially-influenced "weight matters" attitude needs to go! Let's concentrate on exercize and reducing caloric intake!
How did I do yesterday? Not bad. Calorie deficit - 709. Steps = 10,550. Water = 64. Sodium = 5,005. (Ritz crackers) Fat = 46% (Cheese with the Ritz crackers)
As I look ahead to the New Year's Challenge, I would like to add crunches. That seems like a great idea. I'm not crazy about the "Vegan Day." I'll do a weekly "Fish Day" instead. As it is now, I only eat fish twice a month or so.
Have a great day! Big hugs to you, Tracy! You are keeping me going!!!!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Note to Diana...
I did this it give you a little pick me up! I went through and looked over your progress and from what I can see you have been having some struggles since you got those new scales! I want to let you know that the scales do not have any power over your life. Only you do! So, put them away and only weight yourself when you wake up and feel like you have lost weight. I almost always know when I have lost weight. I am sure you are the same.
Another suggestion would be to join WW or something like this so that you only weigh in once a week. HECK, what am I talking about? You choose a day and we will call it weigh in day. We will post our weight that day no matter what it looks like. I would like to propose for name only reasons that we try for Wednesday. We can call it "Weigh in Wednesday"! What do you think? Why don't you choose the day that works well for you! Fridays are my lowest probably but any day is fine. Let me know!
I guess what I am trying to say, is you are doing great and you look GREAT. You are making more progress than you know. There is a reason that people opt to stay fat... THIS IS VERY HARD STUFF! You are a very strong woman and what I know about you is that if you set your mind to something... it is going to happen. I am very proud of you and all of the changes you have made in your life.
I want to give you some numbers.... to meet your step goal for the month, you will need to average 10,839 steps a day for the next 7 days. To meet your deficit goal, you will need to average 900 calories on average for the next 7 days. Now, both of these numbers are completely within the realm of possibility. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! We will both finish strong for this challenge!
I could not do this without you! Thank you for being you!
- Tracy
I did this it give you a little pick me up! I went through and looked over your progress and from what I can see you have been having some struggles since you got those new scales! I want to let you know that the scales do not have any power over your life. Only you do! So, put them away and only weight yourself when you wake up and feel like you have lost weight. I almost always know when I have lost weight. I am sure you are the same.
Another suggestion would be to join WW or something like this so that you only weigh in once a week. HECK, what am I talking about? You choose a day and we will call it weigh in day. We will post our weight that day no matter what it looks like. I would like to propose for name only reasons that we try for Wednesday. We can call it "Weigh in Wednesday"! What do you think? Why don't you choose the day that works well for you! Fridays are my lowest probably but any day is fine. Let me know!
I guess what I am trying to say, is you are doing great and you look GREAT. You are making more progress than you know. There is a reason that people opt to stay fat... THIS IS VERY HARD STUFF! You are a very strong woman and what I know about you is that if you set your mind to something... it is going to happen. I am very proud of you and all of the changes you have made in your life.
I want to give you some numbers.... to meet your step goal for the month, you will need to average 10,839 steps a day for the next 7 days. To meet your deficit goal, you will need to average 900 calories on average for the next 7 days. Now, both of these numbers are completely within the realm of possibility. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! We will both finish strong for this challenge!
I could not do this without you! Thank you for being you!
- Tracy
YeE HaW!
I am down 57 pounds as of today. I will be moving into the 330's very shortly! I am now at 341. Yeah Baby! Here are my numbers from yesterday:
BodyMedia FIT data for December 16, 2010
Calories Burned - 3883 | Calories Consumed - 2003 | Total Activity - 1:41 | Moderate Activity - 1:41 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 13264 | Sleep Duration - 6:42 | Lying Down - 7:56 | Sleep Efficiency - 84%
Steps - 13,264
Deficit - 1880
Sodium - 2265
Sodium - 2265
Fat - 34.6%
Today I work until noon. I will head to the gym directly following work and stay there for 2 hours walking and doing the elliptical. I can't wait!
Have a fantastic day!
- Tracy
- Tracy
Friday, December 17, 2010
I'm feeling better, but still not 100%. The good news is that I got some walking in on the treadmill!
Calorie deficit = 678. Steps = 10,676. Water = 64. Sodium =- 1,635. Fat = 34%.
I'm not sure why the scales aren't moving! In the past week, my deficit has been more than 4,000. That should be good for at least a pound, but my new scales haven't budged since I bought them a week ago.
I am reporting accurately and I'm doing things right. I should be seeing my efforts reflected on the scale.
I have to keep reminding myself to trust the process.
Maybe tomorrow ...
I hope everyone has a great day! I know that I will!
Calorie deficit = 678. Steps = 10,676. Water = 64. Sodium =- 1,635. Fat = 34%.
I'm not sure why the scales aren't moving! In the past week, my deficit has been more than 4,000. That should be good for at least a pound, but my new scales haven't budged since I bought them a week ago.
I am reporting accurately and I'm doing things right. I should be seeing my efforts reflected on the scale.
I have to keep reminding myself to trust the process.
Maybe tomorrow ...
I hope everyone has a great day! I know that I will!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
GIVEAWAY! Amazon $25 Gift Card!
Giveaway! I am giving away a $25 Amazon giftcard. 1. To enter to win, just post a comment here telling us a bit about your doing to stay healthy/weight loss plan. 2. To get a second entry, suggest our Facebook page to your friends. Let me know you did this in your post about what you are doing to stay healthy!
I will draw for the winner on Sunday afternoon!
- Tracy
Thursday, December 16, 2010
I spent most of the day in bed because I was sick. I didn't exercize, but I still ate like I usually do. My numbers reflect that.
Calorie = + 26. Steps = 4,092. Water 64+. Sodium = 3,668. Fat = 42%.
Bad day!!
Feeling better today. I'll go to work and see if I get some steps on the treadmill later.
Wishing for better days ahead!
Calorie = + 26. Steps = 4,092. Water 64+. Sodium = 3,668. Fat = 42%.
Bad day!!
Feeling better today. I'll go to work and see if I get some steps on the treadmill later.
Wishing for better days ahead!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Progress 12/15
BodyMedia FIT data for December 15, 2010
Calories Burned - 3507 | Calories Consumed - 2087 | Total Activity - 1:29 | Moderate Activity - 1:29 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 10374 | Sleep Duration - 6:38 | Lying Down - 6:42 | Sleep Efficiency - 99%
Deficit - 1420
Sodium - 3300
Fat - 25.8%
As you can see, I was up VERY late last night. I was making cookies for work today. My cookies are very small and only about 10 calories each! They taste great. They however, did not keep their shape of a kiss; they flattened out. I believe that they did this because of the Splenda in the recipe. I used almost half Splenda and the other half powdered sugar. Perhaps I should have mixed a bit of cornstarch with the Spenda to give it more of the texture of the powdered sugar. I have not checked to see if Spenda offers a "powdered" version. I guess I will look into that. All in all, these are very satisfying for a sweet Chocolate fix! They just don't look as cute as they should.
Today, I will be at the gym in the evening without the family so I should be able to hit my steps. Last night my hubby would not let me stay. I was able to eek out 15 minutes more after he was ready to go but I really needed another 15 after that! Argh! I will just have to make up for it tonight!
Have a fantastic day today!
- Tracy
10 Calorie Cookies!
Too good to be true? Well, I will let you know tonight! This is the recipe that I will follow and then I will let you know how it when as well as provide a picture of the final product!
Meringue Kisses
Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook Time: 60 minutes
Makes: 60 kisses
10 calories each
What You Need
4 EGG WHITES, room temperature
1/2 tsp. cream of tartar
1 cup powdered sugar, sifted
3/4 cup Splenda
1/2 cups Cocoa Powder - Unsweetened
2 Tsp Vanilla Extract
Here’s How
1. HEAT oven to 225°F. BEAT egg whites and cream of tartar in mixer bowl with whisk attachment on high speed until foamy. Beating constantly, ADD sugar, 2 Tbsp. at a time, until whites are glossy and stand in Stiff Peaks.
2. Beat in cocoa powder and vanilla extract. DROP meringue by tablespoonfuls onto baking sheets lined with parchment paper or aluminum foil.
3. BAKE in 225°F oven until firm, about 1 hour. Turn off oven. LET DRY in oven, with door closed, until cool and crisp, at least 1 hour.
They flattened out. I believe this is because of the use of Splenda. |
Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook Time: 60 minutes
Makes: 60 kisses
10 calories each
What You Need
4 EGG WHITES, room temperature
1/2 tsp. cream of tartar
1 cup powdered sugar, sifted
3/4 cup Splenda
1/2 cups Cocoa Powder - Unsweetened
2 Tsp Vanilla Extract
Here’s How
1. HEAT oven to 225°F. BEAT egg whites and cream of tartar in mixer bowl with whisk attachment on high speed until foamy. Beating constantly, ADD sugar, 2 Tbsp. at a time, until whites are glossy and stand in Stiff Peaks.
2. Beat in cocoa powder and vanilla extract. DROP meringue by tablespoonfuls onto baking sheets lined with parchment paper or aluminum foil.
3. BAKE in 225°F oven until firm, about 1 hour. Turn off oven. LET DRY in oven, with door closed, until cool and crisp, at least 1 hour.
Progress 12/14
BodyMedia FIT data for December 14, 2010
Calories Burned - 3850 | Calories Consumed - 1638 | Total Activity - 1:50 | Moderate Activity - 1:50 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 12826 | Sleep Duration - 6:46 | Lying Down - 7:09 | Sleep Efficiency - 95%
Steps - 12,826 (I am catching up!)
Deficit - 2212
Sodium - 1118
Fat - 31.3%
Not sure how I am getting those low sodium numbers. Perhaps it is all of the vegetables I am eating? I am not sure. I am also eating lots of Myoplex Carb Control bars instead of a meal.
I got on the scales this morning and it reflected another 3 pound loss. That brings me to 45 pounds total. I am thrilled! 3 more pounds and I will be in the 330's. EXCITING! I really want to fit into my jeans. I am afraid that I need about 10 or 15 more pounds before this happens. I also need to start targeting my abs. On our next challenge, I am going to add crunches to my list of goals. Probably like 50 or something crazy like that! Fun Fun!
Have a Fantastic Day!
- Tracy
- Tracy
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I'm sick! Really sick!! My steps from yesterday are WAAAAAAAAY low. I coldn't walk yesterday because I felt so badly. I don't feel any better today.
From yesterday -- Calorie deficit = 876. Steps = 3,819. Water = 63+ ounces. Sodium = 1,881. Fat = 41%.
I still feel bad today and honestly don't see me getting my steps in. I'm afraid to walk because my throat is very sore and I'm coughing a lot. I'm going to work even though all I want to do is crawl back to bed.
Have a good day! That's an order!
From yesterday -- Calorie deficit = 876. Steps = 3,819. Water = 63+ ounces. Sodium = 1,881. Fat = 41%.
I still feel bad today and honestly don't see me getting my steps in. I'm afraid to walk because my throat is very sore and I'm coughing a lot. I'm going to work even though all I want to do is crawl back to bed.
Have a good day! That's an order!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Progress 12/13
BodyMedia FIT data for December 13, 2010
Calories Burned - 3872 | Calories Consumed - 1567 | Total Activity - 1:56 | Moderate Activity - 1:54 | Vigorous Activity - 0:02 | Steps Taken - 13170 | Sleep Duration - 8:54 | Lying Down - 9:29 | Sleep Efficiency - 94%
Steps - 13,170
Deficit - 2305
Sodium - 801
Fat - 17.8
I hit my step goal of 11k +! Woohoooo! My other numbers don't look bad either! I think my sodium is showing lower than it actually was, although I feel quite light today...
Today I work all day and then have plans to walk for up to 2 hours tonight. No good recipes for today besides left over soup and the last of the brussel sprouts!
Have a great one!
- Tracy
- Tracy
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Bad numbers!!! I didn't have any birthday cake, but made other bad choices throughout the day.
Calorie deficit = 236. Steps = 8,852. Water = 32 ounces. Fat = 53%
Cheese should be jailed for contributing to the delinquency of a middle-ager!
Temptress!! Siren!!
Calorie deficit = 236. Steps = 8,852. Water = 32 ounces. Fat = 53%
Cheese should be jailed for contributing to the delinquency of a middle-ager!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Dinner tonight....
I haven't talked to Diana about this yet but I am going to start a recipe area on the blog. We all need motivation and I know recipes do that for me. I will start with the recipe I am making for dinner tonight.
My menu for dinner:
Steamed Broccoli and Steamed Brussel Sprouts. I have to tell you, my husband and children are thrilled about the brussel sprouts. :-) I got a great deal at Trader Joes the other day. They had them for $3.5 for an entire stalk loaded with them! Oh my goodness they are tasty too.
Some sort of oven toasted bread... probably sourdough or a multigrain bread found in our grocery bakery. It will be slightly coated with oil and toasted in the oven until crunchy.
Chicken Soup with an Asian Twist - Makes 1 serving for each cup of stock
spray oil
3 tsp grated ginger
2 cloves grated garlic
3 tbsp soy sauce (low sodium if you like)
4 to 6 cups chicken stock (homemade is always best. I actually have 2 chicken breasts I am boiling right now)
2 tsp toasted Sesame Oil (this absolutely makes the dish)
2 heads of baby bok choy ( I have used spinach before as well but it is a bit more bitter)
3 tsp grated ginger
2 cloves grated garlic
3 tbsp soy sauce (low sodium if you like)
4 to 6 cups chicken stock (homemade is always best. I actually have 2 chicken breasts I am boiling right now)
2 tsp toasted Sesame Oil (this absolutely makes the dish)
2 heads of baby bok choy ( I have used spinach before as well but it is a bit more bitter)
1 cup or so of cooked chicken ( I will just use my breasts I am making the stock with)
2 tbsp rice wine vinegar
1/2 to 3/4 pound of angel hair pasta 1/8 pound per serving - cooked, rinsed and tossed with 1 tsp of sesame oil (whole grain is always best but not required)
1/2 to 3/4 pound of angel hair pasta 1/8 pound per serving - cooked, rinsed and tossed with 1 tsp of sesame oil (whole grain is always best but not required)
Sliced scallions and red pepper flakes if you like heat
4 to 6 eggs optional (these are poached at the end and placed on top)
Heat pan with spray oil in a medium soup pot. Add ginger and garlic, and cook for 2 minutes until fragrant. Add soy sauce, rice vinegar, chicken stock, 1 tsp of sesame oil and bok choy stalks (cleaned first) and simmer for 5 minutes. Add chicken and bok choy leaves until chicken is heated through and bok choy is bright green.
If you want to top with an egg (I personally love this!) - Bring a wide, shallow pan of water to a boil. Reduce to a bare simmer. Add a dash of rice vinegar. Crack one egg at a time into a small dish, and gently slide each one into the simmering water. Gently poach until whites are firm and the yolks are to the desired firmness (I like mine cooked through... my daughters like them runny). Remove with a slotted spoon to a plate.
Divide the cooked angel hair noodles into 4 or 6 bowls, creating a nestlike pile in the center of each bowl. Ladle the soup into the bowls, and top each (if desired) with a poached egg. Garnish with scallions and red pepper flakes.
Modified from a recipe found in the October issue of "More" Magazine.
Divide the cooked angel hair noodles into 4 or 6 bowls, creating a nestlike pile in the center of each bowl. Ladle the soup into the bowls, and top each (if desired) with a poached egg. Garnish with scallions and red pepper flakes.
Modified from a recipe found in the October issue of "More" Magazine.
Catching up!
I just did the math... I will have to average 11,285 steps per day for the rest of the challenge in order to end with my 9250 average. Holy Batman! I can do it! I can do it! I can do it!
Thankfully the busiest part of this season is over! I will focus like a laser for the rest of the challenge!
Will you join me and make a commitment to your health? No better time than the present!
- Tracy
Thankfully the busiest part of this season is over! I will focus like a laser for the rest of the challenge!
Will you join me and make a commitment to your health? No better time than the present!
- Tracy
My pitiful stats
My day started with work first thing and as soon as I was off work, I was off to a family party. Then came home and went to bed. No time at all for working out. As you can see, not much time for sleep either!
BodyMedia FIT data for December 12, 2010
Calories Burned - 2720 | Calories Consumed - 2500 | Total Activity - 0:08 | Moderate Activity - 0:08 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 2438 | Sleep Duration - 5:45 | Lying Down - 7:29 | Sleep Efficiency - 77%
I had approximately 1000 calories before the party and I am thinking I ate about 1500 at the party so I am once again going to call it 2500. I did this yesterday as well. I am considering a machine that will let me pedal while I work. They are $20 on Amazon. I will let you know if I get one!
Today, I am back to my strict regime of 2000 or less calories and 10k or more steps. I have to do some numbers on how many steps it will take me to end the challenge with the average of 9250. I WILL END THE MONTH WITH 9250 STEP AVERAGE!
Diana, do not feel bad, my scales aren't budging either! At least we aren't gaining weight like the majority of folks this time of year! We are doing good.
Walk it off!
- Tracy
- Tracy
Monday, December 13, 2010
Another day where I met all the goals except for fat percentage!
Calorie deficit = 1,081. Steps = 9,300. Water = 64 ounces. Sodium = 1,293.
Fat = 38%.
Gosh! This is a busy time of year! I keep thinking that I'll get the chance to lay down for a nap, or just chill and watch a movie, but it never seems to happen.
Tonight is my grand-daughter's birthday party. I don't feel stressed about facing the ice cream and cake. I just wouldn't have any. That's sort of a big change for me. I used to feel either sad, angry, deprived or stressed. I just sort of feel resigned to the fact that I'm not having any. I could have some, if I wanted. I just don't don't want to. (At least not right now, as I look ahead to the evening.)
Okay, so those new scales are bugging me. First, they show 10 pounds heavier than the last set that showed wide variations all the time. I had to re-do my goals on the BodyMedia site so that I could begin with a new (higher) weight. At least they are consistent. Too consistent, I might say. I bought them on Thursday. They haven't budged and I've been doing great the past couple days! Maybe tomorrow I'll see some downward movement!
Today I have a list as long as my arm to accomplish before the guests arrive for the party. I already fixed a sweater and a snowsuit. I still have more shopping (stocking stuffers and an anniversary gift for hubby) as well as chores and office work.
Can I please have a day off??????
Have a great day! Eat less, Move more!!
Calorie deficit = 1,081. Steps = 9,300. Water = 64 ounces. Sodium = 1,293.
Fat = 38%.
Gosh! This is a busy time of year! I keep thinking that I'll get the chance to lay down for a nap, or just chill and watch a movie, but it never seems to happen.
Tonight is my grand-daughter's birthday party. I don't feel stressed about facing the ice cream and cake. I just wouldn't have any. That's sort of a big change for me. I used to feel either sad, angry, deprived or stressed. I just sort of feel resigned to the fact that I'm not having any. I could have some, if I wanted. I just don't don't want to. (At least not right now, as I look ahead to the evening.)
Okay, so those new scales are bugging me. First, they show 10 pounds heavier than the last set that showed wide variations all the time. I had to re-do my goals on the BodyMedia site so that I could begin with a new (higher) weight. At least they are consistent. Too consistent, I might say. I bought them on Thursday. They haven't budged and I've been doing great the past couple days! Maybe tomorrow I'll see some downward movement!
Today I have a list as long as my arm to accomplish before the guests arrive for the party. I already fixed a sweater and a snowsuit. I still have more shopping (stocking stuffers and an anniversary gift for hubby) as well as chores and office work.
Can I please have a day off??????
Have a great day! Eat less, Move more!!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Calorie deficit = 987. Steps = 10,539. Water 64 ounces. Sodium = 2,079. Fat = 39%
I hit all the goals except for my fat percentage!! Those 6 McDonald's chicken nuggets and 1/2 a bag of fries sure were good!
We went to Wildlights at the zoo last night and that's how I got in my steps. We walked around in the cold rain for 2 1/2 hours. It was really pretty and not too miserable. I didn't spend any time on the treadmill. It doesn't matter how you get in the activity, as long as you get it in!
I am still thinking about buying a step and a step aerobic tape. I would really like a Wii, since EVERYONE seems to have one and love it. Maybe someday ...
For now, I am happy with my BodyMedia armband and my treadmill.
I will be using the treadmill today and walking while shopping. Michael is requesting spaghetti for dinner. I am considering stopping by Mejiers and getting a trout -- spaqhetti sounds too fattening!!!!!
Have a good day! Eat less!! Move more!!
I hit all the goals except for my fat percentage!! Those 6 McDonald's chicken nuggets and 1/2 a bag of fries sure were good!
We went to Wildlights at the zoo last night and that's how I got in my steps. We walked around in the cold rain for 2 1/2 hours. It was really pretty and not too miserable. I didn't spend any time on the treadmill. It doesn't matter how you get in the activity, as long as you get it in!
I am still thinking about buying a step and a step aerobic tape. I would really like a Wii, since EVERYONE seems to have one and love it. Maybe someday ...
For now, I am happy with my BodyMedia armband and my treadmill.
I will be using the treadmill today and walking while shopping. Michael is requesting spaghetti for dinner. I am considering stopping by Mejiers and getting a trout -- spaqhetti sounds too fattening!!!!!
Have a good day! Eat less!! Move more!!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Progress 12/10
I am not sure you can call what I have been doing progress in the challenge. It is progress in my life but I have lots of work to do on the challenge! Here are my numbers:

Steps - 7,053
Deficit - 2087
Sodium - 2341
Fat - 39.3%
BodyMedia FIT data for December 10, 2010
Calories Burned - 3274 | Calories Consumed - 1187 | Total Activity - 0:40 | Moderate Activity - 0:38 | Vigorous Activity - 0:02 | Steps Taken - 7053 | Sleep Duration - 9:23 | Lying Down - 10:04 | Sleep Efficiency - 93%
Steps - 7,053
Deficit - 2087
Sodium - 2341
Fat - 39.3%
Anyone out there ever feel like you are neglecting your family? I feel just awful because until I get my steps in, I am constantly looking to escape to go exercise! I feel so guilty. I know rationally that I am giving them and myself a great gift but the short term goals are so tough. I am struggling with balancing work, school activities, my nonprofit work, spending fun time with my fam, blogging and getting my steps in! I do well in the food realm... it is just that hour to 1.5 hours I need each day to myself to exercise. Golly, I can't imagine doing more than that but I know that I will need to at some point.
Yesterday, my steps were completely shopping steps. We are getting close to being done but we still have more to go. I think the majority will be done online now so that might free up some time.
Well, I am off to Chinese school then school play and then a Christmas party. Will I get my steps in today. I highly doubt it. Tomorrow, I have to work 8 hours and then go directly to a family Christmas party. Again, I highly doubt I will get my steps in. I guess that means double duty next week (I think things calm down then)!
Have a good day!
- Tracy
Saturday, December 10, 2010
Calorie deficit = 445. Steps = 9,556. Water = 64 ounces. Sodium - 3,640 mg. Fat = 38%.
I made my steps goal on the treadmill. Thanks goodness I bought it! The walking that I did around the house combined with 2 miles on the treamill took me to the 9,556. I would like to walk 3 miles on the treadmill every day. The time factor is what's holding me back. I can't walk 3 miles at 3 mph quite yet, so I'm walking at 2mph. To walk 3 miles at 2 mph would take 1 1/2 hours. I just don't have that much time on a work day to devote to walking.
If I want to meet my weight loss goal by September, I'm going to have to reduce my caloric intake. The Body Media system says I have to have a calorie defict of 1,000 in order to get to 175 by September 2011. I have a calorie deficit of about 750 over the past 15 days.
It's either up my exercise or increase my deficit if I want to make my goal by September 2011.
When I reflect on the choices I made yesterday, I see times where I could have reduced my caloric intake. I could have not had 1 1/2 cups of pasta at dinner. I could have skipped the salad dressing. I could have made a different choice for a mid-morning snack. Small choices like these can make a big impact.
Like Boxer in Animal Farm said, "I will try harder!"
Have a great day! Eat less! Walk more!
I made my steps goal on the treadmill. Thanks goodness I bought it! The walking that I did around the house combined with 2 miles on the treamill took me to the 9,556. I would like to walk 3 miles on the treadmill every day. The time factor is what's holding me back. I can't walk 3 miles at 3 mph quite yet, so I'm walking at 2mph. To walk 3 miles at 2 mph would take 1 1/2 hours. I just don't have that much time on a work day to devote to walking.
If I want to meet my weight loss goal by September, I'm going to have to reduce my caloric intake. The Body Media system says I have to have a calorie defict of 1,000 in order to get to 175 by September 2011. I have a calorie deficit of about 750 over the past 15 days.
It's either up my exercise or increase my deficit if I want to make my goal by September 2011.
When I reflect on the choices I made yesterday, I see times where I could have reduced my caloric intake. I could have not had 1 1/2 cups of pasta at dinner. I could have skipped the salad dressing. I could have made a different choice for a mid-morning snack. Small choices like these can make a big impact.
Like Boxer in Animal Farm said, "I will try harder!"
Have a great day! Eat less! Walk more!
Friday, December 10, 2010
I hit my step goal!
BodyMedia FIT data for December 9, 2010
Calories Burned - 3746 | Calories Consumed - 1711 | Total Activity - 1:18 | Moderate Activity - 1:13 | Vigorous Activity - 0:05 | Steps Taken - 10389 | Sleep Duration - 9:20 | Lying Down - 9:39 | Sleep Efficiency - 97%
Steps- 10,389
Deficit - 2035
Sodium - 2873
Fat -36.1%
Now, before I celebrate this little goal. I want to say that it would have been higher if I had realized that I put the armband on partially over my shirt. Dang it. I have had some sort of snaffu almost everyday this week. Booo!
Please note the vigorous activity again. Again, this was done with the Wii game and not at the gym. Yay! I think it is the dancing... LOL. Santa will be bringing us the dancing game for Wii for Christmas too. I think that will also be fun and good exercise.
The plan for today is to work this morning and then play the Wii this afternoon and possibly make it to the gym. Tonight, we have to be two places at once. Not sure how that one will play out.
Make this day a fantastic one!
- Tracy
Calories Burned - 3746 | Calories Consumed - 1711 | Total Activity - 1:18 | Moderate Activity - 1:13 | Vigorous Activity - 0:05 | Steps Taken - 10389 | Sleep Duration - 9:20 | Lying Down - 9:39 | Sleep Efficiency - 97%
Steps- 10,389
Deficit - 2035
Sodium - 2873
Fat -36.1%
Now, before I celebrate this little goal. I want to say that it would have been higher if I had realized that I put the armband on partially over my shirt. Dang it. I have had some sort of snaffu almost everyday this week. Booo!
Please note the vigorous activity again. Again, this was done with the Wii game and not at the gym. Yay! I think it is the dancing... LOL. Santa will be bringing us the dancing game for Wii for Christmas too. I think that will also be fun and good exercise.
The plan for today is to work this morning and then play the Wii this afternoon and possibly make it to the gym. Tonight, we have to be two places at once. Not sure how that one will play out.
Make this day a fantastic one!
- Tracy
December 10, 2010
Excellent numbers from yesterday! I made a real effort to hit all goals, and I achieved it.
Calorie deficit = 1,030. Steps = 10,392. Water = 64 ounces. Sodium = 1,856. Fat = 27%
I tossed the old digital scale which was giving crazy numbers and bought a cheapy analog scale. No more decimals; in fact, I can barely read it. I decided to concentrate on my waist measurement, the way my clothes fit, and the way I look. It's going be a long process to get to 175 pounds. The decimals and minor flucations don't matter. Dealing with "point whatever" is driving me crazy. I'm going to trust the process, redouble my efforts at walking and calorie reduction, and report as accurately as possible.
I also re-established my goals with the BodyMedia system. I basically had to since the new scale isn't weighing even close to the old one. The new scale seems to show difference of 10 pounds. My husband got weighed on it and he showed 10 pounds heavier, too.
Moving on with the new plan, I should reach 175 by September 2011. I think the new plan is reasonable, but I also imagine that I'll change it again. That's just how I roll. :)
Some exciting news from yesterday is that I wore a pair of jeans that I haven't worn in more than a year! They were comfortable enough to wear all day!
I think I'll ask my sister to take a picture of me this weekend and add it to the "Diana's Progress" page. I've been at it 6 weeks. I bet that a difference will be evident!
Have a great day! Walk lots! Eat less!
Calorie deficit = 1,030. Steps = 10,392. Water = 64 ounces. Sodium = 1,856. Fat = 27%
I tossed the old digital scale which was giving crazy numbers and bought a cheapy analog scale. No more decimals; in fact, I can barely read it. I decided to concentrate on my waist measurement, the way my clothes fit, and the way I look. It's going be a long process to get to 175 pounds. The decimals and minor flucations don't matter. Dealing with "point whatever" is driving me crazy. I'm going to trust the process, redouble my efforts at walking and calorie reduction, and report as accurately as possible.
I also re-established my goals with the BodyMedia system. I basically had to since the new scale isn't weighing even close to the old one. The new scale seems to show difference of 10 pounds. My husband got weighed on it and he showed 10 pounds heavier, too.
Moving on with the new plan, I should reach 175 by September 2011. I think the new plan is reasonable, but I also imagine that I'll change it again. That's just how I roll. :)
Some exciting news from yesterday is that I wore a pair of jeans that I haven't worn in more than a year! They were comfortable enough to wear all day!
I think I'll ask my sister to take a picture of me this weekend and add it to the "Diana's Progress" page. I've been at it 6 weeks. I bet that a difference will be evident!
Have a great day! Walk lots! Eat less!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Progress for 12/8
BodyMedia FIT data for December 8, 2010
Calories Burned - 3456 | Calories Consumed - 1880 | Total Activity - 1:10 | Moderate Activity - 1:03 | Vigorous Activity - 0:07 | Steps Taken - 9165 | Sleep Duration - 6:01 | Lying Down - 6:14 | Sleep Efficiency - 97%
NOTE the vigorous activity!!!! I did it with that silly Wii game! Also, Nic (from BodyMedia) told me to wear my armband lower on my arm and I did that for the first time today. Woo hoo!
NOTE the vigorous activity!!!! I did it with that silly Wii game! Also, Nic (from BodyMedia) told me to wear my armband lower on my arm and I did that for the first time today. Woo hoo!
Steps - 9165 Just under my goal. Now if I could remember to put my armband on, this would have been higher.
Deficit - 1576
Sodium - 3723
Fat - 23.4
Eating lots of clementines lately. I think I ate a dozen yesterday. The good news is that these only have 35 calories each AND they up my fiber and lower my fat. The best of all, they are sooooooo good and full of fluid during this dry time of the year!
I am going to be using my Walk It Out game again today and tonight I have my class at the Y. I will be lifting weights and doing some aerobic activity. I WILL MEET MY STEP GOAL TODAY!
Have a great day!
- Tracy
- Tracy
December 9, 2010
I tried hard to get my steps in yesterday since I'd been close but not quite there for five days in a row. I combined short walks on the treadmill between chores and work with a short walk with Opal outside. It was cold outside! The good news is that I made my step goal. I miss the warmer weather and walking outside with my pooch!
Calorie deficit = 674. Steps = 9,635. Water 64+. Sodium = 3,324. Fat = 35%
We're two weeks into this challenge. I think I'm doing pretty well. The BodyMedia system shows that I have a calorie deficit of around 9,000 over the past couple weeks. That should be a three pound weight loss. Even if my reported calorie intake is off by 1/3, I should have a loss of about 2 pounds.
I feel like I'm right on track. My old scales showed a loss of 5.4 in the past two weeks. Like I mentioned yesterday, I didn't trust them, so I threw them out yesterday morning. It feels weird not having them, even though they reported inconsistently. I'm getting new scales in the next couple days. Whatever they say, I'm going with.
What do I know for sure? I know that if I keep walking and trying to reduce my caloric intake, the weight will come off.
Here's to keeping at it!
Calorie deficit = 674. Steps = 9,635. Water 64+. Sodium = 3,324. Fat = 35%
We're two weeks into this challenge. I think I'm doing pretty well. The BodyMedia system shows that I have a calorie deficit of around 9,000 over the past couple weeks. That should be a three pound weight loss. Even if my reported calorie intake is off by 1/3, I should have a loss of about 2 pounds.
I feel like I'm right on track. My old scales showed a loss of 5.4 in the past two weeks. Like I mentioned yesterday, I didn't trust them, so I threw them out yesterday morning. It feels weird not having them, even though they reported inconsistently. I'm getting new scales in the next couple days. Whatever they say, I'm going with.
What do I know for sure? I know that if I keep walking and trying to reduce my caloric intake, the weight will come off.
Here's to keeping at it!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Wii Walking It Out!
I tried this game out tonight. FUN! I played with my daughter and I was seriously sweating. The step numbers that they calculate compared to the BodyMedia are high. Probably 30% higher. No big deal though. As long as I know this, I can calculate an estimated number for my armband. I have to admit though that I was doing some dancing instead of steps some of the time.
My daughter wants to get up in the morning before school and do it with me. I LOVE THAT! I am trying to find some Wii games like this so that I don't always have to leave; I can just stay here and do the game with her. A nice compromise. I do admit though that I feel like I cheated because it was fun. :-)
- Tracy
My daughter wants to get up in the morning before school and do it with me. I LOVE THAT! I am trying to find some Wii games like this so that I don't always have to leave; I can just stay here and do the game with her. A nice compromise. I do admit though that I feel like I cheated because it was fun. :-)
- Tracy
Progress for 12/7
BodyMedia FIT data for December 7, 2010
Calories Burned - 3018 | Calories Consumed - 1782 | Total Activity - 0:26 | Moderate Activity - 0:26 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 4855 | Sleep Duration - 6:17 | Lying Down - 6:43 | Sleep Efficiency - 94%
Steps - 4855
Deficit - 1236
Sodium - 1765
Fat - 30.6%
Steps - 4855
Deficit - 1236
Sodium - 1765
Fat - 30.6%
As you can see, not so good yesterday. We ended up not going to gymnastics because life just did not allow. I got in a few steps taking the dog out though. Goodness it is hard to get those steps in when it is freezing!
Tonight, I am going to the gym. I am going to try to spend an hour or more there to make up some steps. I would like to hit 15k, but somehow I do not think that is going to happen. I will be happy with 10k.
Talk to you soon!
- Tracy
December 8, 2010
From yesterday: Calorie deficit = 597. Steps = 8,362. Water 64+ ounces. Sodium = 2763. Fat = 27%.
Still short on my steps! The cold weather kept me inside and on the treadmill. I walked 1.5 miles on the treadmill yesterday and worked up quite a sweat. I should walk two miles on it on my work days, or I won't get in enough steps. My sodium and fat numbers look good. I'm getting used to the new taste of things without butter and salt. BTW, the salt substitute is pretty bad!
I am frustrated with my scales. For one, they use batteries and run through them rather quickly. As of late, they often flash "E" and make me step on again. (Even with new batteries.) The weight they report flucates wildly, so I'm not sure what my weight actually is. I've been getting weighed twice each day; once as person one and again as person two. If both weights match, I use that weight. Today, I couldn't get them to match. The weights varied as much as 8.6 pounds. I've decided to throw them out and get a new set (non-digital). I really do need to track my weight.
Instead of a weight measurment, I took my waist measurement today. I'm down another 1/2 inch. That makes a total of 1 1/2 inches since October 22!
Have a good day!
Still short on my steps! The cold weather kept me inside and on the treadmill. I walked 1.5 miles on the treadmill yesterday and worked up quite a sweat. I should walk two miles on it on my work days, or I won't get in enough steps. My sodium and fat numbers look good. I'm getting used to the new taste of things without butter and salt. BTW, the salt substitute is pretty bad!
I am frustrated with my scales. For one, they use batteries and run through them rather quickly. As of late, they often flash "E" and make me step on again. (Even with new batteries.) The weight they report flucates wildly, so I'm not sure what my weight actually is. I've been getting weighed twice each day; once as person one and again as person two. If both weights match, I use that weight. Today, I couldn't get them to match. The weights varied as much as 8.6 pounds. I've decided to throw them out and get a new set (non-digital). I really do need to track my weight.
Instead of a weight measurment, I took my waist measurement today. I'm down another 1/2 inch. That makes a total of 1 1/2 inches since October 22!
Have a good day!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Progress for 12/6
Today was a much better day, although, I didn't even look at my computer until 15 minutes before bed. I did get to do shopping with oldest daughter AND I was at the gym twice. Both gym visits were short but allowed me to get my steps. Here are my numbers:

BodyMedia FIT data for December 6, 2010
Calories Burned - 3974 | Calories Consumed - 1184 | Total Activity - 1:40 | Moderate Activity - 1:40 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 11007 | Sleep Duration - 6:57 | Lying Down - 7:43 | Sleep Efficiency - 90%
Deficit - 2790 - this is obviously too high!
Steps - 11,007
Sodium - 2483
Fat - 39.7%
Fat - 39.7%
Water - 40 oz
Today will be difficult to get my steps in. I will walk while my daughter is in Gymnastics but I work all day and even the dog does not want to go outside because it is soooooooo cold!
Talk to you later!
- Tracy
- Tracy
December 7, 2010
Calorie deficit = 820. Steps = 7,995. Water = 30 ounces. Sodium = 4,335. Fat = 24%
I'm having a hard time getting my steps in simply due to time. I have been very busy the past several days. I used the treadmill yesterday morning and walked one mile before I headed out for my day. Other than that, I didn't get any exercise.
This sure is a busy (and tempting!) time of year.
Have a great day!
I'm having a hard time getting my steps in simply due to time. I have been very busy the past several days. I used the treadmill yesterday morning and walked one mile before I headed out for my day. Other than that, I didn't get any exercise.
This sure is a busy (and tempting!) time of year.
Have a great day!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Vegetarian Anyone?
I am seriously considering becoming a Vegetarian/Vegan. I think the only thing that I could not live without is Cheese and eggs. Perhaps I could start out allowing myself to have these two things and later move to become Vegan. I am reading a book called the China Study and it makes a very convincing case against eating animal protein.
Anyone out there a vegetarian? How did you make the transition?
Anyone out there a vegetarian? How did you make the transition?
Progress for 12/5
Finally, I have a minute to post. I have a very full day today and am just now looking at my computer for the first time. I didn't have the best day on the 5th but I made up for it today. Here are my numbers:

Deficit - 1156
Steps - 7967
Sodium - 3629
Fat - 30.8%
Water - 40 oz
Talk to you in the morning to report on my crazy busy day!
- Tracy
BodyMedia FIT data for December 5, 2010
Calories Burned - 3226 | Calories Consumed - 2070 | Total Activity - 1:13 | Moderate Activity - 1:13 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 7967 | Sleep Duration - 7:12 | Lying Down - 7:48 | Sleep Efficiency - 92%
Deficit - 1156
Steps - 7967
Sodium - 3629
Fat - 30.8%
Water - 40 oz
Talk to you in the morning to report on my crazy busy day!
- Tracy
December 6, 2010
I had a pretty good day yesterday.
Calorie deficit = 1,439. Steps = 8,513. Water 32 ounces. Sodium = 2,907. Fat = 40%.
My fat percentage would have been better if I hadn't had 3 ounces of cheese at the tea party. I did the right thing by removing the cheese from the bread, that certainly helped calorie intake, but cheese is so high in fat!!! I had three tiny little cheescake bites. Boy, they were good!!
It was hard to get in my steps yesterday, as I ran around non-stop the entire day. I didn't get any formal exercise in. All my steps were from errands and shopping.
I am proud of my calorie deficit!
Today, I have another class to attend at the Red cross. I will take a walk at lunch, like I did before. This morning before I leave, I'll hop on the treamill and try to log in few steps as well.
Have a great day!!
Calorie deficit = 1,439. Steps = 8,513. Water 32 ounces. Sodium = 2,907. Fat = 40%.
My fat percentage would have been better if I hadn't had 3 ounces of cheese at the tea party. I did the right thing by removing the cheese from the bread, that certainly helped calorie intake, but cheese is so high in fat!!! I had three tiny little cheescake bites. Boy, they were good!!
It was hard to get in my steps yesterday, as I ran around non-stop the entire day. I didn't get any formal exercise in. All my steps were from errands and shopping.
I am proud of my calorie deficit!
Today, I have another class to attend at the Red cross. I will take a walk at lunch, like I did before. This morning before I leave, I'll hop on the treamill and try to log in few steps as well.
Have a great day!!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Progress for 12/4
Well, today was definitely a challenge. I didn't quite get my steps in for the day. I did do well with food despite the banana nut muffin I had with breakfast. All of my steps came from shopping. I did not go to the gym or do any official walking.
BodyMedia FIT data for December 4, 2010
Calories Burned - 3504 | Calories Consumed - 1612 | Total Activity - 1:09 | Moderate Activity - 1:09 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 8802 | Sleep Duration - 8:16 | Lying Down - 9:14 | Sleep Efficiency - 90%
Steps - 8802
Deficit - 1892
Sodium - 2077 (low because I put salt on my potato)
Fat - 46% (whoa, I thought I made better choices than this!)
Water - 64oz
Ok, so I didn't do quite as well with food as I thought. My fat % is off the hook. Salt and fat are a huge problem for me. I need to eat more veggies and fruits. I think that will help solve that problem. Also, I didn't have my standard breakfast of a Myoplex drink and that hurts my fat% since this drink has such a low fat %.
Today, I work all day. I will try to make it to the gym right after work. If not, I will be in danger of not making my steps. It all depends on the family and how things play out today.
Take care and have a great day today!
- Tracy
- Tracy
December 5, 2010
Well, yesterday sure was lousy! I did fine up until dinner and then I simply lost it. I ate 8 fish sticks instead of 3. I used tarter sauce. Later when I cleaning the table and putting things back in the fridge, I spied a piece of fried chicken that Michael had brought home from work. I was like a possessed drug addict! I snatched it from the fridge and gobbled it up.
I immediately felt horrrible and went to lay down in the bedroom. My grand-daughter came in the room and said, "What's wrong, Grandma?" I told her that I just needed to rest for a minute. She patted my head and said "Don't let the bed bugs bites!" and turned off the light. I laid there for a few minutes and thought about just turning in for the night. Instead I got up and went into the living room.
I fessed up to Michael who was totally shocked (and bit mad because he wanted the chicken for himself). We discussed whether I should get on the treadmill. My stomach felt too upset to exercise. I ending up watching a movie and snacking on apple slices the rest of the night.
Maybe this sounds like a bunch of internal drama over a piece of chicken and a few fish sticks. Maybe you're thinking, "What the hell is wrong with her? Isn't she supposed to be on a diet? Didn't she start the day pledging good intentions?" Maybe you're thinking I'm weak and lack will power.
I'm a food addict. It was like I couldn't stop myself. I wasn't hungry. At the moment I saw the fried chicken, I was powerless. I need to think about a better plan for those moments. I will let those ideas develop. More later on that topic
Okay! Enough dwelling on the negative. Let's review what I did well yesterday. I took a walk at lunch even though it was cold and everyone else stayed in the warm building. I packed a healthy lunch while most people went to Wendy's or snacked on chips and candy. I drank more than 64 ounces of water. I tried the salt substitute that I bought the other day.
Most importantly, though, I didn't "hide." I fessed up. I could have pretended it didn't happen. I could have not reported it on the BodyMedia site and "pretended" that my lack of weight loss was a "problem" with my body. My body is fine, it's my mind that's messed up!!!!!! hahahaha
The number from yesterday reflect the worst day of this challenge.
Calorie deficit = 113. Steps = 8,259. Water 64+. Sodium = 5.063. Fat 43%
Today brings more challenges. I will attending an annual Christmas Tea Party. There will be little sandwiches and lovely tiny cakes. I'm going to face the challenges that today brings with resolve and confidence.
I immediately felt horrrible and went to lay down in the bedroom. My grand-daughter came in the room and said, "What's wrong, Grandma?" I told her that I just needed to rest for a minute. She patted my head and said "Don't let the bed bugs bites!" and turned off the light. I laid there for a few minutes and thought about just turning in for the night. Instead I got up and went into the living room.
I fessed up to Michael who was totally shocked (and bit mad because he wanted the chicken for himself). We discussed whether I should get on the treadmill. My stomach felt too upset to exercise. I ending up watching a movie and snacking on apple slices the rest of the night.
Maybe this sounds like a bunch of internal drama over a piece of chicken and a few fish sticks. Maybe you're thinking, "What the hell is wrong with her? Isn't she supposed to be on a diet? Didn't she start the day pledging good intentions?" Maybe you're thinking I'm weak and lack will power.
I'm a food addict. It was like I couldn't stop myself. I wasn't hungry. At the moment I saw the fried chicken, I was powerless. I need to think about a better plan for those moments. I will let those ideas develop. More later on that topic
Okay! Enough dwelling on the negative. Let's review what I did well yesterday. I took a walk at lunch even though it was cold and everyone else stayed in the warm building. I packed a healthy lunch while most people went to Wendy's or snacked on chips and candy. I drank more than 64 ounces of water. I tried the salt substitute that I bought the other day.
Most importantly, though, I didn't "hide." I fessed up. I could have pretended it didn't happen. I could have not reported it on the BodyMedia site and "pretended" that my lack of weight loss was a "problem" with my body. My body is fine, it's my mind that's messed up!!!!!! hahahaha
The number from yesterday reflect the worst day of this challenge.
Calorie deficit = 113. Steps = 8,259. Water 64+. Sodium = 5.063. Fat 43%
Today brings more challenges. I will attending an annual Christmas Tea Party. There will be little sandwiches and lovely tiny cakes. I'm going to face the challenges that today brings with resolve and confidence.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Progress for 12/3
BodyMedia FIT data for December 3, 2010
Calories Burned - 3508 | Calories Consumed - 1454 | Total Activity - 1:09 | Moderate Activity - 1:09 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 9347 | Sleep Duration - 6:45 | Lying Down - 8:39 | Sleep Efficiency - 78%
Calorie Deficit - 2054
Steps - 9347
Steps - 9347
Sodium - 4071
Fat - 32%
Water - 64oz
I wish my steps were better but I am a wee bit sore from Thursday night. At least I made minimum goal. I also stayed good on the food front despite the Christmas party we attended last night. This morning is another Christmas party! This one is a breakfast buffet so perhaps it will be easier to navigate.
I will be getting my exercise in after the party. I will probably get in many at the party as well. It is probably a shopping day after the party so my steps will come from shopping. Fingers crossed that I can make my numbers that way!
Have a fantastic day today!
- Tracy
- Tracy
December 4, 2010
Yesterday could have been better. The main culprit (other than my choices) was Hamburger Helper. I had a 2 cup portion, green beans and fruit cocktail for dinner. Not exactly gourmet, I know!! ;) Naturally, the sodium and fat numbers are too high from yesterday. My steps were rather low, too.
Calorie deficit = 1,104. Steps = 7,978. Water = 64. Sodium = 4,640. Fat = 32%.
I'm taking a Red Cross class today and will be out of the house all day. Tonight I'll get home just in time to make dinner for the hubby and the kids. Food and walking will be an issue since I'll be out of my routine.
Here's the plan. Pack a healthy lunch and snacks to take with me. Wear my walking shoes and spend the lunch hour walking. I will also stop and get a giangantic bottle of water to take to the class today to flush out the sodium from yesterday. Tonight for dinner I promised the kids fish sticks (another not so healthy choice for me). I'll serve cooked broccoli and cauliflower and oranges with dinner. I'll concentrate on those and check the box for a recommended portion size on the fish sticks. No tarter sauce!!!
Here's to the promise of a good day despite the odds!!
BTW, I bought a container of salt substitute yesterday. It was expensive at more than $7 for 11 ounces. I'll let you know what I think of the taste. I recall trying some years ago and finding the taste oddly metallic. We'll see.
Calorie deficit = 1,104. Steps = 7,978. Water = 64. Sodium = 4,640. Fat = 32%.
I'm taking a Red Cross class today and will be out of the house all day. Tonight I'll get home just in time to make dinner for the hubby and the kids. Food and walking will be an issue since I'll be out of my routine.
Here's the plan. Pack a healthy lunch and snacks to take with me. Wear my walking shoes and spend the lunch hour walking. I will also stop and get a giangantic bottle of water to take to the class today to flush out the sodium from yesterday. Tonight for dinner I promised the kids fish sticks (another not so healthy choice for me). I'll serve cooked broccoli and cauliflower and oranges with dinner. I'll concentrate on those and check the box for a recommended portion size on the fish sticks. No tarter sauce!!!
Here's to the promise of a good day despite the odds!!
BTW, I bought a container of salt substitute yesterday. It was expensive at more than $7 for 11 ounces. I'll let you know what I think of the taste. I recall trying some years ago and finding the taste oddly metallic. We'll see.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Progress for 12/2
BodyMedia FIT data for December 2, 2010
Calories Burned - 3831 | Calories Consumed - 1866 | Total Activity - 1:33 | Moderate Activity - 1:33 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 9482 | Sleep Duration - 7:56 | Lying Down - 8:39 | Sleep Efficiency - 92%
Steps - 9482 (lost at least 3k steps because I did not have my armband on)
Deficit - 1965
Sodium - 1975
Fat - 26.8%
Water - 64 oz
All in all a good day except when I forgot to put on my armband! I am so mad at myself for that. I do think that I will add 2k steps to my number for today when I do the averages. I am so far behind that I just can't afford to lose those steps!
Today will be hard to get my numbers. I work in the morning, then have about 3 hours free, then I have a holiday party for the rest of the day. Saturday is another holiday party in the morning. Arghhhh.... Busy busy!
Make today a great day!
- Tracy
- Tracy
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