Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Challenge Day 4

BodyMedia FIT data for January 4, 2011
Calories Burned - 3380 | Calories Consumed - 1407 | Total Activity - 1:11 | Moderate Activity - 1:02 | Vigorous Activity - 0:09 | Steps Taken - 8386 | Sleep Duration - 6:40 | Lying Down - 7:04 | Sleep Efficiency - 94%
Steps - 8386
Deficit - 1973 (too high again)
Crunches - 30
Weigh in - 337 (half pound more than yesterday - Boo!)

I ate completely vegetarian yesterday.  I think I had a lot more salt in my diet than usual and this is why my weight is a bit higher today then yesterday.  No biggie though.  I am not so sure that I enjoyed my vegetarian day so much.  Actually it was a vegan day.  I meant to eat a yogurt and kept forgetting.  Today, I am planning yogurt for my snacks.  I need the bacteria in the yogurt with all of the vegie and fiber. :-)

Today is a relatively easy day... work and then dinner with the family and then head to the gym.  

I wish you all the best today!
- Tracy


  1. Tracy, you are doing so well! 61 pounds! Wow! You are knocking on the door of the 200's! Keep up the good work!

    Why didn't you enjoy your vegan day?

  2. I think it is because I did not plan well. I just thought I could grill up some stuff and it took forever to do this for dinner. My kids ate the grilled vegie sandwiches with me. I just need to plan better and get some good recipes. If I had eggplant or mushrooms for dinner, all would have been fine. It will be better next time!
    - Tracy
