Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I couldn't go to the gym yesterday afterall. My dad was transported to another hospital in the middle of the night to have an emergency surgery. When I got off work yesterday, I went right to the hospital to visit with him. He has severe vascular disease and it's causing him lots of problems lately.

I spend a lot of time talking about lessons and reflecting. Much of what I spend time discussing isn't concrete -- dreams, people that pass through my life, etc. The biggest lesson is right in front of me -- my father's life and the way he's treated his body. Granted, he's 79 and bodies don't last forever. However, he has abused his body for much of his life. He was a smoker, he was overweight, he drank, he ate high-fat foods, he didn't exercise.

One time, I heard Oprah say something that stuck with me. I won't quote her, since I can't remember exactly. She said that we abuse our bodies and they keep on trying to keep us alive. We should be thanking our bodies instead of disrespecting them. I should be making my body's efforts easier, not harder. I should thank my body with healthy food and exercise. When I overeat, don't exercise, or make bad choices, I am disrespecting the very thing that carries me through life.

I love life! I love living, doing, being! I love experiencing what the world offers. In order continue to enjoy my life, I simply have to respect my body. I have to thank it ...

I really did try hard yesterday to lower my consumption. I did better yesterday than Thursday. Still, I went over my target of 1,800. Not making it to the gym again had a negative effect on my deficit. I can't go to the gym until tomorrow. Tonight, we have plans that will prohibit a gym visit. This wasn't a good week at all! Next week will be better!!

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 2,087. Calorie deficit = 179.


  1. That's wisdom talking. It's the only body we get and the only brain, as far as we know. It works best when we keep them working in harmony! You are on the RIGHT path. We only live in each moment, so keeping those moments healthy and happy is just the BEST thing we can do for ourselves. And you deserve the best!!!

  2. Next week will definitely be better! I am sending some positive thoughts your way about your father!
    - Tracy
