Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saturday, Decmber 18, 2010

Tracy is right, I've been sort of down in the dumps the past week.

Part of it might be that I was sick for a few days and couldn't get my exercize in. Walking REALLY helps my overall attitude. I still have symptoms, but I wouldn't gross you out with the details!

The other part of it is the scale situation. The old scales needed to go, so I tossed them. I decided that it didn't really matter what sort I got, so I got a $15 analog scale. They weigh 10 pounds heavier than the old set. That alone threw me into a funk. I had to re-do my numbers and it felt like I had accomplished nothing. I know that's silly, but it felt that way! To make matters worse, they haven't budged in a week. Still the same weight since last Thursday! Boo! Hiss!

It's so true that the scales don't rule my life and shouldn't affect my motivation. Still they seem to have such power! My sister, Karen, thinks it's funny that I can tell you exactly how much I weighed at different points and major events in my life. "When I got married, I weighed 205." "When I met Michael, I weighed
175. "When I went to Weight Watchers at age 14, I weighed 150." Those numbers are all accurate. In many ways, the scale has defined my life. Since that hasn't worked out too well for me, I obviously need to make a change.

Alright, Tracy, let's start a tradition. "Weigh in Wednesday" it is! We can start next Wednesday. That's the two month anniversary for me wearing the BodyMedia armband. I'll agree to post my weight no matter what it is. I'll put my scales away and will only take them out on Wednesdays. (I'm getting up and putting them away right now.) Just so you know, when I started 7 weeks ago, my old scales said I weighed 260. The day I threw them out, they said I weighed 245. The morning after I bought the new ones, they new scales said I weighed 255. They haven't budged since. I figure that I've lost 15 pounds or so in the last 7 weeks. But, those numbers don't really matter. Intellectually, I know that! My screwed up, societially-influenced "weight matters" attitude needs to go! Let's concentrate on exercize and reducing caloric intake!

How did I do yesterday? Not bad. Calorie deficit - 709. Steps = 10,550. Water = 64. Sodium = 5,005. (Ritz crackers) Fat = 46% (Cheese with the Ritz crackers)

As I look ahead to the New Year's Challenge, I would like to add crunches. That seems like a great idea. I'm not crazy about the "Vegan Day." I'll do a weekly "Fish Day" instead. As it is now, I only eat fish twice a month or so.

Have a great day! Big hugs to you, Tracy! You are keeping me going!!!!

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