Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Another day where I met all the goals except for fat percentage!

Calorie deficit = 1,081. Steps = 9,300. Water = 64 ounces. Sodium = 1,293.
Fat = 38%.

Gosh! This is a busy time of year! I keep thinking that I'll get the chance to lay down for a nap, or just chill and watch a movie, but it never seems to happen.

Tonight is my grand-daughter's birthday party. I don't feel stressed about facing the ice cream and cake. I just wouldn't have any. That's sort of a big change for me. I used to feel either sad, angry, deprived or stressed. I just sort of feel resigned to the fact that I'm not having any. I could have some, if I wanted. I just don't don't want to. (At least not right now, as I look ahead to the evening.)

Okay, so those new scales are bugging me. First, they show 10 pounds heavier than the last set that showed wide variations all the time. I had to re-do my goals on the BodyMedia site so that I could begin with a new (higher) weight. At least they are consistent. Too consistent, I might say. I bought them on Thursday. They haven't budged and I've been doing great the past couple days! Maybe tomorrow I'll see some downward movement!

Today I have a list as long as my arm to accomplish before the guests arrive for the party. I already fixed a sweater and a snowsuit. I still have more shopping (stocking stuffers and an anniversary gift for hubby) as well as chores and office work.

Can I please have a day off??????

Have a great day! Eat less, Move more!!


  1. I feel your pain on the day off Diana. The kids have a 2 hour delay today and then I have a list a mile long. I will make my step goal today though. FINALLY!

    Have a good day and hug your grand daughter for me!

  2. Great attitude on the cake and ice cream.
    This is a busy time of year and there's lots on your plate (bad metaphor!!!)but you are sticking with it. Kudos (whatever they are)to amazing you.
