Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday, January 19,2011

"Weigh in Wednesday!" Today I weighed 244. That's actually one pound less than last week. I adjusted my scales to match my doctor's as well. She had balance scales that are synced and accurate, so I feel confident that my weight is being reported correctly. Most importantly, though, my weight is down and moved in the right direction.

Yesterday was "Fish Tuesday!" We had cod, green beans and baked potato for supper. The potato was a four-ouncer. That's one serving size. It looked so puny! It was good, though, with some spray butter and two tablespoon of sour cream. Dinner had less than 500 calories.

I didn't work out yesterday since I had to help get the garage ready for Sunday. We'll finish it tonight. I did well with my calorie deficit yesterday and am feeling good about that! I only consumed 1,719 calories yesterday; for me that's really good!

I have to go into the office today for a meeting. Boo! Hiss! after work, I'm swinging by the lab to give my blood sample. No gym tonight, but I'll be back at it tomorrow!!

Steps = 4,882. Calorie deficit - 760 (!) Crunches = 0

Have a great day!

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