Monday, February 28, 2011

February Thunderstorm

Really?  I am tired and cranky.  I forgot to weigh myself... I will weigh in tomorrow.  Diana, you are doing a fantastic job!  It is winter... if you can make any progress after the winter we have had, you are doing great!  Spring is coming and with it comes weight loss!
- Tracy

Monday, February 28, 2011

It's the last day of February. I began this month with such high hopes. I felt that I would have a great month of weight loss and exercise. A lot got in my way this month. Many things I had no control over, like my father's illness, kept me from going to the gym when I'd planned to. Still if I'm being honest, I have to admit that what really got in the way was my lack of committment.

I really only "half-tried." "Half-trying" is better than not trying at all, I suppose. The thing is, it only produces "half-results." That's what I got, half of what I was hoping for.

March 16th is my five month anniversary. Five months of wearing the BodyMedia armband and using the site. When I started 4 1/2 months ago. I thought that after five months I would have lost 50 pounds. My goal was 10 pounds a month. It looks like I may make 25 pounds. Half. That's my theme today. Half. Half isn't good enough. On test, 50% is failing. Half has a bad rap -- "Half-assed," for example.

I lost the wind in my sails this month. I'm in the doldrums. If I were on a ship, I'd start throwing things overboard to lighten my load so that I could sail out out. There's not anything I can throw overboard. I can't reduce my committments or responsibilities. It would be great if I didn't have to work, for example. I could devote my days to exercise.

I need to find my enthusiasm for this project again. How can I do that? A new incentive? A carrot or a stick? Honestly, sticks don't work for me. Giving myself a reward, like a new pair of earrings, seems juvenile.

The original incentive for losing weight was my 35 yeart class reunion that is the beginning of August. I have a dress that I want to wear. I looked at it the other day. Nothing special, really, just a pretty light cotton dress. It still doesn't fit. A lesser incentive was our vacation to Hatteras in June. I have shorts and capris that I want to wear. They do not fit.

If I don't get it together and start really trying, I will not make either goal. The goals are still within reach. I need to find my strength and my committment. Please let me know if you have advice or suggestions!

I got weighed this morning. 238. Exactly the same as last week. My BodyMedia data from yesterday looks good.

BodyMedia FIT data for February 27, 2011
Calories Burned - 2473 | Calories Consumed - 1873 | Total Activity - 0:14 | Moderate Activity - 0:14 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 5774 | Sleep Duration - 6:17 | Lying Down - 7:53 | Sleep Efficiency - 80%.

Have great day! TTYL!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The best thing that I can say about yesterday us that I had a deficit! Barely! ;) On days that I don't go to the gym, I squeak by. Today's a gym day, so my deficit should be more within target range!

We had steak for dinner last night. I really enjoyed it. Instead of potatoes, rice or bread, I just had fresh spinach with it. I've been REALLY enjoying fresh spinach lately.

Tomorrow is the last day of February, expect a comprehensive view of my month on Tuesday!

BodyMedia FIT data for February 26, 2011
Calories Burned - 2323 | Calories Consumed - 2251 | Total Activity - 0:27 | Moderate Activity - 0:27 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 5478 | Sleep Duration - 5:54 | Lying Down - 9:25 | Sleep Efficiency - 63%.

Have a great day!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pretty good day!

BodyMedia FIT data for February 25, 2011
Calories Burned - 2381 | Calories Consumed - 1712 | Total Activity - 0:27 | Moderate Activity - 0:27 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 5900 | Sleep Duration - 5:50 | Lying Down - 6:48 | Sleep Efficiency - 86%..

Friday, February 25, 2011

24th Day!

BodyMedia FIT data for February 24, 2011
Calories Burned - 3008 | Calories Consumed - 1698 | Moderate Activity - 0:27 | Steps Taken - 5246 | Sleep Duration - 7:04 | Sleep Efficiency - 88%
Good day!  Woohoo!  

Friday, February 25, 2011

Yesterday at the gym I did some extra cardio. I did the elliptical for 25 minutes and then walked briskly on the treadmill for 25 minutes. Putting it midly, the elliptical is hard! I guess it's supposed to be!! I guess it wouldn't be worth it if it wasn't!! After my cardio, I did many reps of low weights for my chest, shoulders and back. It was a good workout.

I sort of blew it when I came home from the gym. I just ate too much (again!). It's getting to be old news, isn't it?? As you can see, my calorie deficit was only 104.

BodyMedia FIT data for February 24, 2011
Calories Burned - 2545 | Calories Consumed - 2441 | Total Activity - 1:02 | Moderate Activity - 1:02 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 9362 | Sleep Duration - 6:13 | Lying Down - 6:54 | Sleep Efficiency - 90%.

I'll try harder today!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 23!

BodyMedia FIT data for February 23, 2011
Calories Burned - 2767 | Calories Consumed - 2092 | Moderate Activity - 0:23 | Steps Taken - 3375 | Sleep Duration - 6:25 | Sleep Efficiency - 89%
I had a deficit and my calories are pretty accurate.  I can't wait for the weather to break and get rid of the ice and snow.  I can then get back to walking my dog frequently.  Right now it is just dangerous to walk the sidewalks!

The scales are back down to 327.  I am hoping for a weight loss this week  I really have to get back with the weight loss.  I have so far yet to go!  It is so easy to get comfortable after a large weight loss.  Yes, 70 pounds is large.  The best thing about losing 70 pounds is that I can go to the $1 movies and not be uncomfortable!  Before, my butt would not fit in the seat.  Now, I am comfortable!  YAY!

Had my oatmeal for breakfast. Tonight is pork roast, mashed potatoes and broccoli.  YUM!  I am not sure yet what I will have for lunch... probably a salad from Giant Eagle.
Have a GREAT day!
- Tracy

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I was extra-hungry all day yesterday! I also was having pretty intense cravings for sweets, especially chocolate. Considering that I had a migraine Tuesday (possibly hormonally-influenced), chocolate cravings and intense hunger make sense to me. I believe that I may be having an estrogen spike, because I have other symptoms associated with estrogen. I am a believer in having some of what you're craving, since denying yourself leads to extreme over-indulgence later. So, for the first time in MONTHS, I had some chocolate yesterday. It was good! I didn't have too much, just a bag of M&Ms. Oddly enough, I also showed a weigh loss this morning. Go figure!

I have been concentrating on my upper body as far as weight training goes. My husband (gently honest) observed that my shoulders and back carry lots of extra weight. He's right, I have an "apple-shape." My current workout is 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of upper body weight training. I'm doing high reps at moderate weight. For example, 3 sets of 25 reps. I enjoy the free weights, but have been alternating with the Cybex machines. I'll be going to the gym tonight after work.

My numbers from yesterday aren't that great, but I'm okay with that!

Calorie consumption = 2,382. Calorie defict = 239. Chest, shoulders, back.
Cardio = 30 minutes.

Like I said , I showed a loss this moring, but will wait until Monday to report it. I don't trust a loss until it sticks for a couple days!

Have a great day!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday.. 22nd day!

BodyMedia FIT data for February 22, 2011
Calories Burned - 2799 | Calories consumed - 2200 | Moderate Activity - 0:31 | Steps Taken - 3663 | Sleep Duration - 5:46 | Lying Down - 6:55 | Sleep Efficiency - 83%
Calories consumed is an estimate!  It is close though.  I really watched what I ate.  I am getting back in the swing!
Tonight, we are having tacos!  I will have a taco salad with mostly veggies.  I don't have a ton of things to do tonight so I am thrilled.
- Tracy

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Yesterday was interesting to say the least. I woke up with a terrible migraine. It had been a long time since I'd had a migraine that bad. I took one of my prescription pills and got ready for work. When I got to work, the headache was no better. I took another pill and tried to work. Since I'd been off for 4 days (2 vacation days and 2 regular days off), I felt like I should work. My head hurt so badly that I couldn't even type. I ended up calling my boss and coming home. I went right to bed and slept from 7:30 am until 1:00 pm.

When I woke up, I was starving, so I ate some chicken, yogurt, and fruit. By 3:00 pm I felt better, so I went to the gym and worked out. I didn't push it because I was worried that my headache would return. On the way home, we stopped and got Chinese take out. I ate and then went to bed early at around 7:30 pm. I feel fine this morning, albeit, a bit groggy.

Who knows? Maybe not enough sleep? I haven't been sleeping well. Maybe a change in air pressure? Maybe a hormonal flucuation.

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 1,969. Calorie deficit = 591. Chest, shoulders, back. Cardio = 30 minutes (light)

Have a great day! TTYL!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I had a pretty good day yesterday. I made some good choices (no bun on my hamburger, no mayo, oatmeal for breakfast). I spent the day getting the house back in order after the carpet cleaners left. I didn't make it to the gym, though. I will go today after work.

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 2,052. Calorie deficit = 660.

Have a great day!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Weigh In!

329!  Holey guacamole!  That is 3 pounds heavier than my lightest! 

OK, I have to fess up.  My life has been so busy that I have not made the proper plans for my diet, let alone follow a proper plan.  Success on a diet comes from planning.  If you have no plan for every day, you are planning to fail.  Well, that is definitely what I can say about my last few weeks. 

I have let myself down.  I am feeling great though and this is part of the reason for this.  At a certain point, I am sure that I am not alone here, you feel so good and know that you have a long way to go but just can't seem to get the motivation that you started with.  I need to draw on this motivation once again to get back into the groove!  I have 130ish pounds left to go!

Ok, I am done whining now.  Today, I am making my Oatmeal for the next couple of weeks and will be eating well.   I will also get to the grocery today to get good food for the week!

- Tracy

Monday, February 21, 2011

Weighing in! I managed to stay EXACTLY the same at 238. That doesn't suprize me at all, since my average deficit for the week was 576 and my total calorie deficit for the week was 4,032. Even though I try as best I can to report accurately every day, I do believe that there's a "fudge factor." Eating out, not weighing/measuring, and/or forgetting foods are all in the "fudge factor." At any rate, I'm okay with maintaining. I really didn't deserve a loss. I simply ate too much over the last week.

We went to the gym and I had a pretty good workout. I swam for my cardio since my hips were really hurting yesterday. I started with 10 minutes of walking to warm up, and knew I wouldn't be able to walk or do the elliptical. I have not used swimming as my carido since I started goinng to the gym. It won't show on my BodyMedia data since the device can not be worn in the water. I swam for 20 minutes.

I had a good dinner last night. I made pork chops on the George Foreman grill, brocolli, sourdough bread, and a Greek yogurt for dessert. I had some chutney (yum!) on the side for the pork chops.

Today the carpets are getting cleaned and I'm taking Opal to the vet. I'm not sure that I'll get in a gym visit today, but I will try. I might swim again since my hips are KILLING me!!!

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 2,195. Calorie deficit = 569. chest, shoulders, back. Walking 10 minutes. Swimming 20 minutes.

Have a great day!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

We took the grandkids to CiCis Pizza Buffet last night for dinner. I tried to do control myself and was able to manage to some degree. I only had one piece of pizza, but did have two breadsticks and a brownie in addition to a salad. The salads at CiCis consist of an iceberg lettuce mix that has shredded carrots and cabbage. For toppings, they have onions, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms and baby carrots. Certainly not the best salad bar I've visited.

I'm feeling nervous about weigh-in tomorrow. If I manage to maintain, I'll be happy. Normally exercising a lot really helps my attitude, but this morning I'm feeling pretty low. I think it's because I'm not expecting a loss tomorrow.

I exercised a lot yesterday. I walked for 60 minutes in the morning and worked out at the gym in the afternoon. I got in more than 17,000 steps. So why the depressed attitude??

I began February with very high hopes. There's been a lot that's gotten in the way of my exercising and my weight loss efforts. It seems that every other day or so, an obstacle appears in my path.

Today I plan an extended gym visit. A good workout, a sauna and a steam shower followed by the hot tub and the pool may adjust my attitude.

I want to do better. I NEED to do better.

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 2,425. Calorie deficit = 802. Biceps, Triceps, Legs. Cardio = 60 minutes.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

As far as food yesterday, I didn't do well at all. We had a big day of shopping and enjoyed a really wonderful lunch out at a Japanese Steakhouse. The meal blew me out of the water with calories and sodium. I had soup, sushi, salad, steak, scallops, fried rice, and ice cream. Even though I tried not eat the rest of the day, I couldn't help it since I was hungry at dinner time. To make matters worse, I'd bought a loaf of sour dough bread at Panera. I had too much of that as well.

Back in the saddle today! I just hope that I manage to maintain my weight on weigh in day this coming Monday!! Maybe if I really watch it today ...

We did get our new furniture. We bought a sectional that has 4 recliners. It's in a fabric called "ultra hide" which is supposed to be tougher than either leather or fabric. It feels softer than leather and isn't shiny or sticky, but looks just like it. We got a color called "desert palace" -- sort of a mustardy-brown.

We also got new tires for the motorcycle trailer, a new wedding band for me (I ruined the old one by catching it on a door more than year ago and bending it all out of proportion. I almost stripped the skin off my finger!), new cross training shoes and enough contact lenses for us to last a year.

Today I'm going to take a long walk, do some grocery shopping and go visit my Dad. The grandkids are spending the night tonight, so we'll go out to dinner. I promise I'll be good!!!

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 2,932 (OMG!!) Calorie deficit = 67. If you want to know the truth, I bet I ate more than that, I did the best estimate that I could.)

TTYL! Big hugs all 'round!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

Four days off! Yippee! Tax refund arrived today! Yippee-Skippee! Buying new furniture! Yippee-Skipee-Doo!

Obviously, it's a red letter day. I'm really looking forward to getting new furniture. Have you seen our old stuff? OMG! Let's just say that patched-up pilly sofas don't look very nice!

It was 65 degrees yesterday. I guess it was new record. Instead of the gym, Opal and I went for a long walk. We toured The 'Burg for about 40 minutes. It was great to get some fresh air.

I had a good day diet-wise, too. The controlled calorie meals and shakes are working out well. Throughout the day, I add a few healthy snacks. Dinner is normal-sized and healthy.

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 1,906. Calorie deficit = 737. Cardio = 40 minutes.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ain't She Purdy!

Took yesterday are work!  LOOKING GOOD DIANA!!!
  4 month anniversary and lost 22 pounds!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I wasn't able to make it to the gym yesterday since we went right to the hospital to see my dad. He was in ICU because they wanted to moniter him more closely. His spirits were pretty good and we joked around a little bit. He received two bags of blood and the doctor said he'd probably get another after we left. When I left, his blood presure was 119/37. Hopefully, the procedure he's set to have today will give us some answers. It's really hard to see him like this.

Despite the taco bar at work (and lemon bars that someone brought), I did pretty well yesterday. I choose a taco salad and had a few small bites of lemon bar. When we got home from the hospital I had peanut butter crackers, milk and oranges.

I seem to be holding onto my two pound loss! Hopefully, on Monday, I'll weigh in at 238. It would be great to officially move into new numbers!!

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 1,593 (!!!!!) Calorie deficit = 807

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My workout yesterday wasn't as good as usual. I think that giving blood the day before had an effect on my energy level. I walked for 10 minutes, lifted weights for 40 minutes and did 50 crunches. I just didn't have it in me to do the 30 minutes of cardio.

I had two Special Kay protein shakes and a Healthy Choice frozen dinner yesterday for breakfast and lunch. I had applesauce and clementines for snacks and a dinner of green beans, corn, and a chicken leg. The controlled calorie breakfast and lunch idea worked out pretty well in my efforts to reduce my intake. Of course, my reduced intake could be because we went to the the gym; we always eat less on gym nights.

My dad is back in the hospital. He's been in and out since December 31st. The list of reasons is long and varied. It's hard to see him go through this. He's getting frustrated. I'll have to keep my options open as far as gym visits go. I'm not sure when he's going back home and I'll want to go visit him if he stays longer than a day or two this time. Hopefully, this last scare is a reaction to a new medication they put him on and he'll be home in no time!

Today is my four month anniversary with the BodyMedia armband. Congratulations to me!! As a reward for my efforts, my body showed a two pound loss today. That makes twenty-two pounds in 4 months. Not exactly a rabbit's pace, but the turtle won, didn't she? ;) I won't count the loss until it sticks for a couple days, but it's a good sign! I am still happy that I bought the armband and that I'm using the site. The blog helps a lot, too. Accountability!

Today, Tracy is and I are going to take some pictures and we'll post them. Hopefully, I'll be able to see a physical difference. Twenty pounds is hard to see when there were eighty to lose, but 1/4 of the total goal should be noticeable. Let's hope so!!

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 1899. Calorie deficit = 566. Chest, shoulders, back. Crunches = 50.

Have a great day! TTYL!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I enjoyed a long walk with Opal yesterday. She was so excited to get out, too! We walked the "big square" which is about 2 miles. It took us 40 minutes. I am going to try and take her for a walk more often now that the weather is breaking. Spring is on the way!!

I bought some meal replacement shakes yesterday and a couple frozen dinners. The shakes are 180 calories and the frozen dinners are all under 400. I'm going to work those into my food plan today and see how it goes. Maybe I'll be able to reduce my consumption if I am forced into a controlled calorie plan.

I had a good deficit yesterday, even though I ate over 1,800 calories. My body responded well to the walk and the outside air, I think!

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 2,104. Calorie deficit = 912. Aerobic activity - 40 minutes.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I am back!

BodyMedia FIT data for February 13, 2011
Calories Burned - 3759 | Calories Consumed - 0 | Total Activity - 1:06 | Moderate Activity - 1:06 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 10214 | Sleep Duration - 5:29 | Lying Down - 6:20 | Sleep Efficiency - 87%
Finally I got in some steps... not because I went to gym though... it is because I volunteered at an event and ran my butt off!  I ate Chinese for lunch and pizza for dinner so I am thinking that is is just about a wash.  Don't even know where to start figuring out the calories!

I am weighing in at 327 today.  That is one pound heavier than last week.  I am not going to stress it though!  I have had a lot of stuff going on in my life that has just not made it easy to stick with the program.  I am getting back in the swing this week with my oatmeal breakfast (automated) and will be trying to do the same for lunches.

Wednesday I will be working in the office and will get my photo taken.  Diana has graciously offered to snap a pic for me.  I am told that I look very different than the photos on the blog currently.  It will be nice to see the progression!

Talk to you soon!  Happy V day!  I am going to try to take my honey out for lunch!
- Tracy

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!! I hope that your day is filled with love and that you get lots of kisses and hugs!! Remember, kisses and hugs make you feel better than chocolate! :)

I enjoyed a nice relaxing day yesterday. I needed a day off from running around like a crazy person. All I did was hang out with my sisters for a bit and then Michael and I spent the rest of the day together watching tv. It was a really nice day.

Since it's warmed up so much and there's no more ice on the sidewalks, I can take Opal for a long walk. We haven't had a long walk in weeks. I can feel spring in the air! That will be my exercise for the day. The "big square" is about 2 miles. It'll take about 40 minutes. Afterwards, I'm going to give blood.

I am still thinking about the fact that I really have to cut back on my food consumption in order to lose weight at a faster rate. I am not satisfied losing five pounds a month. I am considering using some sort of restricted calorie meal replacement (frozen low calorie meals, slimfast...) I feel like I need some sort of "gimick" or crutch in order to help me reduce my consumption. More on that later.

Today's weigh in day. I'm holding steady at 240. That's 20 pounds since I started in October. Wednesday will be four months!

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 2.332. Calorie deficit = 157

Have a good day! Spread the love!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I'm sick. It started yesterday at work with a dizzy spell and nausea. It came on so quickly that I suspected I was having some sort of "episode." I felt dizzy and nauseous all night and still feel that way this morning. Maybe I have an inner ear infection ...

I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to the gym this morning as planned. I have plans to meet my sisters at noon. I think it would be best to rest the rest of the day.

Wednesday is my four month anniversary with the BodyMedia system.

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 2,065. Calorie deficit = 441.

Have a great day!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

It's really hard for me to eat 1,800 calories or less a day. I know that I have to if I want to lose weight at a decent rate. I will lose weight if I eat around 2,000 and exercise, but it will be very slowly. I don't really have anything else to say about this subject right now.

I went to the gym after work yesterday and had a good workout. 10 minutes of warm-up on the treadmill, biceps, triceps, legs, 20 minutes on the treadmill, 75 crunches. I came home and had my Kashi Cinnamon Harvest with non-fat milk for dinner. We are doing well with the "big breakfast and lunch, light dinner" plan. I like not having to cook when we get home from the gym. It makes my evenings more relaxed and we don't go to bed with a full stomach.

I work until 4:30 today and am not going to the gym after work. I have to eat VERY lightly today during the day since I'm making my famous spicy-crispy chicken for dinner. Michael loves it. It's steam-fried in a touch of oil, so it's rather high in calories.

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 2,112. Calorie deficit = 546.


Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Yesterday's gym visit was great!! I had a good work out -- chest, shoulders, back, 40 minutes of aerobics and 75 crunches. I am doing well on the elliptical. I remember when I could barely make 10 minutes on it. I can go 30 minutes now. It really burns the calories! After my workout, I sat in the sauna, then the steam room for a total of 20 minutes. I decided to spend some extra time and put on my swim suit after the steam room. I went to the pool area and got in the whirlpool for a while.

The best part, though, was my time in the swimming pool. I floated and paddled around for quite a while. It was so relaxing. The cool water and the solitude were amazing. I had the large empty space all to myself. The only sound was the water as I moved through it. I love the water -- magical and musical.

I ended up staying at the gym for more than two hours yesterday! I'm so glad we decided to join. Want to know somethng funny? I honestly had to drag myself there after work. I really just wanted to go home and eat dinner. The gym was definately a better choice!!

I got the results of my blood work back yesterday. There was all good news! My thyroid is normal. Guess my doctor was right, I just eat too much! hahaha Go figure!!

Also good to hear is the fact that ALL my blood fats are within a normal, healthy range. My total cholesterol is 176. They want you be below 190. I was really glad to hear the news about my blood fat because we eat so much red meat. People always sort of gasp and shake their head when I say that I eat 8 or more ounces of beef or pork every day. Since the meat is very lean (because we process it) and because I don't eat much cheese and only non-fat dairy, it really doesn't make a difference.

There's lots of talk about how unhealthy red meat is. I think there's more to consider than that. It's the way it's prepared and the butchering process that make red meat healthy or not. Chicken, fish and vegetables can have negative effects on your blood fats if they are prepared in unheathy ways. I feel best when I eat a good amount of meat. It suits my body. It makes me feel full and provides a slow, constant supply of energy throughout my day.

The BodyMedia site is down this morning, so I can't report numbers. I had a good day yesterday as far as my deficit goes.

Have a great day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

8th Day of February!

BodyMedia FIT data for February 8, 2011
Calories Burned - 2909 | Calories Consumed - 1848 | Total Activity - 0:19 | Moderate Activity - 0:19 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 4020 | Sleep Duration - 7:33 | Lying Down - 8:35 | Sleep Efficiency - 88%
Not a bad day... still no gym though!  Busy night at home.  
Tonight... we will have spaghetti and eggplant for dinner with whole wheat pasta.... yum!  As you can see, this does not fit into the slow carb plan.  I am officially not doing the slow carb plan anymore. :-)
- Tracy

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Definately making it to the gym after work! I miss it when I don't go. The obvious problem is that my calorie deficit stinks when I don't go. Subtle effects? I eat more, I don't sleep as well, and I just don't feel as positive.

The good news is the weight loss is still sticking. Four days in a row. I can certainly count that as a loss. I need to refocus and work towards the next loss.

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 2,466. Calorie deficit = 108.

Have a good day! TTYL!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Life gets in the way of going to the gym sometimes!! Skipped last night because our tax lady called and told us our taxes were done. We went after work instead of going to the gym. We were anxious to get the papers signed and the forms submitted because if we submit by today we get our return on the 18th. Follow the money!! hahaha I won't make it again tonight (already planned on that) because it's Girl Scout night. Tonight we're touring the police station! RAWR! Cute Cops!!! Men in uniforms!! I hopped right on the request for chaperones! hahahaha

Got weighed this morning and the loss appears to be sticking. I was a bit concerned since we stopped for dinner at Chipotle. The salt, extra calories, and lack of activity yesterday had me worred that I might see a gain. Nope. The Chipotle was really good. Cheese!! Full fat sour cream!! White flour burrito!! I could have done better, but escaped with just a couple bruises. I've found that the "bad foods" are best to have when I'm out. Nothing hanging around the house and a relatively controlled portion. In general, I do MUCH better when we eat at home. I honestly get excited in restaraunts and it's kind of hard to control myself.

Not such great numbers from yesterday: Calorie consumption = 2,137. Calorie
deficit = 214

Have a great day!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

BodyMedia FIT data for February 7, 2011
Calories Burned - 2780 | Calories Consumed - 1531 | Total Activity - 0:25 | Moderate Activity - 0:25 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 3877 | Sleep Duration - 6:04 | Lying Down - 7:09 | Sleep Efficiency - 85%

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I went to the gym early yesterday and got in my usual routine. I managed to get everything done yesterday, including stopping to see how my dad is since he came home from the hospital on Sunday. He appears to be tired, but recovering. My mom came over to celebrate her birthday and we watched a slide show from her trip to Coata Rica. My sisters stopped by after dinner and we had fun just hanging out together.

I ate too much yesterday. The problem came in the afternoon when I was preparing dinner. I deboned the pork chops and the tenderloin pieces from the chops looked too good to waste. I cooked them as an afternoon snack. I tried to make up for it at dinner by skipping the mashed potatoes and doubling up on the green beans. That small choice and the gym visit allowed me to show a decent deficit. Small choices, adjustments, and regular exercise are making a difference.

It's interesting to note that the more times I "deny myself" (no mashed potatoes, for example), the easier it is the next time. Success builds success. Small choices grow into habits. I see myself changing ...

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 2,379. Calorie deficit - 576. Biceps, Triceps, Legs. Crunches = 75. Aerobics = 30 minutes.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Weigh In! Day 6!

326!  That is 2 pounds lost this week!  I can hardly believe it as it seems I am eating tons of food!

BodyMedia FIT data for February 6, 2011
Calories Burned - 2544 | Calories Consumed - 1395 | Total Activity - 0:05 | Moderate Activity - 0:05 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 2046 | Sleep Duration - 6:50 | Lying Down - 6:57 | Sleep Efficiency - 98%
Wow... my calorie burn is getting really bad! Needless to say by looking at these numbers, I did not make it to the gym!  I have to make it tonight!

Tonight for dinner, the family is having BLT sandwiches.  I will just have the B (turkey even).  We will also serve up some black beans and some veggies!

I have been working my non-profit stuff all day... good to get caught up!
- Tracy
First, the big news! It's weigh in day and I have good news! I weighed 240! That's offically 20 pounds since October 24th! I've been rocking back and forth in the low 240s for some time now. This is the lowest I've seen since I started 3 1/2 month ago. I'm feeling really good about it!

I have 60 pounds to go. While it would be nice to lose 1 1/2 pounds a week, I don't think that'll happen. Frankly, it doesn't matter when I get there. What I can say for sure, is that I will keep trying. I will keep blogging, I will keep exercising, I will keep making mostly healthy choices, and I will keep using my BodyMedia system.

I had a great workout at the gym. I walked for 10 minutes to warm up, I used free weights to exercise my chest, shoulders and back, I did 75 crunches, I did 25 minutes on the elliptical, and I walked for 5 minutes to warm down. After my workout, I sat in the dry sauna and then the steam room. I love using the free weights. I also love pushing myself in the elliptical. The only thing I love about crunches is being done and saying that I did them! haha

I am off today, but have a full slate. I'm going to the gym early to make sure that I get it done. I have to grocery shop, drop off a tire (we got a flat), and visit my dad (he's home from the hospital).

Today is my mom's birthday and she's coming for dinner tonight! She's 77 today and a stellar example of someone who lives a healthy lifestyle. She excercises, eat right and keep sctive. Happy Birthday, Mom! Way to go!

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 2,055. Calorie deficit = 869. Chest shoulders, back, 75 crunches, 40 minutes of aerobics.

Have a great day!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


You may be asking why in the world do you continue to try all of these different diets and ways of living?  Well, I realized a while back that my life will not allow me to continue to be a gerbil on a treadmill.  Life as a mother of 3 does not allow me the luxury of spending 2 hours at the gym each day.  In order to make my weight loss work for "the rest of my life", I have to find tools that will work for me for the rest of my life and not just for the short term weight loss!  So, working out 6 days a week for the rest of my life for 2 hours is not the answer... neither is severely restricted diets. I am in a process of finding what works well for MY body (we are all different so I don't necessarily recommend doing what I do) and MY lifestyle.  I am learning a few things.  I need to keep better logs of my progress and the effects of my diet and exercise choices. This will allow me to be as efficient as I can be in my daily life for long term success!  Does this make sense?  I know I probably seem a wee bit kooky with all of my experimental plans and such... I am really just trying to find a groove FOR LIFE.
- Tracy

Weekly Progress...

I am going to start posting this occasionally.  I will try for every Sunday but I am not going to promise!  My Average deficit for the last 7 days was 385 per day for a total deficit for the week of 2,695.  Yesterday was my "cheat day" so I am weighing heavy right now (had a heck of a lot more sodium that I ever have normally).  I can't wait to see what my weight is at the Monday weigh in... I have to admit I am a bit skeptical that this diet will produce the results that the book claims.  We will see!
The activity numbers are sad to say the least!
- Tracy

5th day of February!

BodyMedia FIT data for February 5, 2011
Calories Burned - 2936 | Calories Consumed - 3332 | Total Activity - 0:14 | Moderate Activity - 0:14 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 3868 | Sleep Duration - 5:34 | Lying Down - 6:16 | Sleep Efficiency - 89%
Not too bad for a "cheat day"!  I only had a calorie overage of 396 calories.  I really thought it would be more.  Although, I had deep fried cheesecake for dinner and did not have any way to figure the calories in that so I just added 25% on to the calories of the cheesecake.  I really didn't go all that crazy with the diet yesterday.  I did have 2 double cheese burgers and a large fry at McDonald's for lunch and some fruit.  Dinner was Hibachi style Japanese so it was not so bad.  I did not have time for Ice Cream or my Krispy Creme doughnut that I wanted to have.... there is always next week!
I am back to the "slow carb" diet again today.  I am thinking though that I am going to cut back dramatically on the meat consumption.  I just do not feel good when I eat that much "animal".  That is just me... I feel great and do very well when eating veggies only.  I do like to have meat several times a week but would always take veggies over meat anyday!  So, today, I am going to double up on my beans and veggies and cut the meat to a small amount.

Tonight, I am going to make a veggie stir fry with a small amount of steak and some rice.  I will have beans while they eat rice!  I am going to "try" to make it to the gym today!  I have 2 personal trainers that I am going to talk with.  I will hopefully talk to them this week and make a decision!

Make it a great one!
- Tracy

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Even though I couldn't make it to the gym yesterday, due a previous commitment, I had a good day. I was proud because I knew that we going have dinner at Bob Evans and I planned for it. I also made good choices while we were there!

During the day, I watched my calories. I love the Chicken Cranberry salad, but decided to have grilled chicken breast with brocolli and carrots instead. That saved me quite a few calories and lots of fat. It was very tasty!

I will be able to go to the gym today and plan to make it a great visit. I might even try a bit of jogging again! I'm also going to enjoy the sauna and whirlpool. I could use a relaxing soak!

I'm going to weigh in tomorrow, since we're changing our weigh in day to Monday. I don't expect to see a loss, but that's okay. I really don't deserve one. My deficit hasn't been high enough this week.

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 1,865. Calorie deficit = 529.

Have a great day! Go Steelers!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

4th day of February!

BodyMedia FIT data for February 4, 2011
Calories Burned - 2775 | Calories Consumed - 2113 | Total Activity - 0:17 | Moderate Activity - 0:17 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 3605 | Sleep Duration - 5:50 | Lying Down - 7:18 | Sleep Efficiency - 80%

Day 4 went well.  I was pretty much on the "slow carb" plan all day and drank tons of water.   Busy Busy and was able to have my "slow carb" Chipotle dinner!  My favorite!   

I ordered several supplements for my cheat day on Saturday.  In the 4 hour body book he calls the group of supplements AGG or PAGG.  I am only doing a single dose of the AGG for now.  What are these supplements?  Allicin (Garlic Pill), Green Tea Extract (no caffeine) and alpha-Linolenic acid (omega 3).  These are supposed to aid in glucose management.  I have to tell ya that I did feel a bit different today.  Just as a little experiment, I took the green tea extract and the Allicin yesterday as well.  I am not sure I believe my scales but it said that my body fat percentage was 48.6%.  That is a pretty dramatic reduction in a short time.  I will keep monitoring this and let you know how it goes!  I will probably take one round of this tomorrow as well.  Mostly I will take them on "cheat days".  The main side effect that I felt was that I felt REALLY thirsty all day.  I drank about 6- 16 oz bottles of water.  I did not feel thirsty on Friday with just the Allicin and Green Tea.

Tomorrow, I will tell you about my "cheat day"... it might involve dessert!  It has been soooooo looonggg....
- Tracy

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I couldn't go to the gym yesterday afterall. My dad was transported to another hospital in the middle of the night to have an emergency surgery. When I got off work yesterday, I went right to the hospital to visit with him. He has severe vascular disease and it's causing him lots of problems lately.

I spend a lot of time talking about lessons and reflecting. Much of what I spend time discussing isn't concrete -- dreams, people that pass through my life, etc. The biggest lesson is right in front of me -- my father's life and the way he's treated his body. Granted, he's 79 and bodies don't last forever. However, he has abused his body for much of his life. He was a smoker, he was overweight, he drank, he ate high-fat foods, he didn't exercise.

One time, I heard Oprah say something that stuck with me. I won't quote her, since I can't remember exactly. She said that we abuse our bodies and they keep on trying to keep us alive. We should be thanking our bodies instead of disrespecting them. I should be making my body's efforts easier, not harder. I should thank my body with healthy food and exercise. When I overeat, don't exercise, or make bad choices, I am disrespecting the very thing that carries me through life.

I love life! I love living, doing, being! I love experiencing what the world offers. In order continue to enjoy my life, I simply have to respect my body. I have to thank it ...

I really did try hard yesterday to lower my consumption. I did better yesterday than Thursday. Still, I went over my target of 1,800. Not making it to the gym again had a negative effect on my deficit. I can't go to the gym until tomorrow. Tonight, we have plans that will prohibit a gym visit. This wasn't a good week at all! Next week will be better!!

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 2,087. Calorie deficit = 179.

Friday, February 4, 2011


I will not be able to post until late.  I will post though!
= Tracy

3rd day of February!

BodyMedia FIT data for February 3, 2011
Calories Burned - 2906 | Calories Consumed - 1463 | Total Activity - 0:23 | Moderate Activity - 0:23 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 4524 | Sleep Duration - 5:59 | Lying Down - 7:25 | Sleep Efficiency - 81%
Chinese New Year was today and we went out for Chinese food!  This was not such a good day for me because my schedule was so full that I could not fit in eating.  I had a Myoplex at some point (not really breakfast) and then did not eat again until 7:30pm.  We  went out for Chinese and watched a Lion Dance.  We had a fantastic time but I have to tell ya that the "slow carb" diet does not work at a Chinese restaurant!  I ended up having a huge bowl of hot and sour soup and lettuce cups/wraps.  NO RICE!  Wow!  That is hard to do.  I was satisfied at the end of the meal and "tried" to drink as much water as possible.  I think I am a bit dehydrated from yesterday though.  I was so busy that I also did not drink much (if anything ) all day.

Today has already started off better.  I have had 32 oz of water and a Myoplex.  I have a couple of hours to do my non-profit work today.  I am thrilled about that one!  I have not had time for this in what seems like weeks. 

Tomorrow is a sprint... have to be somewhere at 8am and we have about 3 places to be during the day and we MIGHT make it home by 8pm.  It is going to be a busy busy weekend!  Next week is no exception to this.  We have a Chinese New Year Celebration on the 13th and I have MANY preparations to do for this!  My week will be packed full of work to do for this!

I am hoping to have a slow carb lunch and dinner... although my dinner might be a Chipotle slow carb dinner!  Yum... I can have just about anything but the rice, corn and chips.  I load up on beans for sure.

Have a GREAT day!  I will!
- Tracy

Friday, February 4, 2011

Concerning my diet, there's not much good to report from yesterday. The best thing I did yesterday in regard to my plan was stop and get my blood drawn for my lab tests. I suppose the thing to do now is to reflect on why I didn't do well and try to learn from it.

I knew that I wouldn't be going to the gym yesterday since I was planning to go to the hospital and visit my dad. He was feeling so badly that he asked me to not come. When I got home, I knew I wouldn't head back out. I'm sort of a homebody. Once I was in the house, I decided to call it free night. Bad choice. Dinner was free for all!! Before dinner, I'd eaten about 1,129 calories. Dinner was 1,137 calories. Wow! That's twice as many as I should have had. We had "breakfast for dinner" and I went back for seconds. I haven't had seconds in a long time. Of course, I immediately felt terrible!!

Why did I make the bad choices? Stress? Sadness? Those emotions could both related to my dad's recent health issues. Availablity? There was "extra" food as I was cooking for today's lunch. Work has also been stressful lately. I'm considering makes some changes at work, and that's been weighing on my mind, too.

Honestly, it just felt like I needed a "break." I am tired of tearing around. I can't recall when I haven't felt like I have something important to do. There's always the next task, the next responsibility, the next item to cross off my "to do" list. I used last night's dinner as a release.

The trouble is, addiction (and mine is food) doesn't work that way. Giving in to your additiction DOES NOT relieve stress. Giving in to your addiction only masks negative emotions, stress ... whatever you're running from.

What would have been better than making the choice for seconds? Really, anything! Not having anything else and "suffering" through the craving. Forcing myself to go to the gym. Eating an orange. Reading. Fiddling around on the computer. Taking a bath. Calling someone. Anything besides sucumbing to my addiction.

Am I too dramatic? Am I making too much of a bad choice last night at dinner?

Last night, I dreamed about my grandfather. Papa was a great man. I loved him very much. In the dream, I was an adult and was moving into his house after he'd died. I was so excited! I loved that house! In the dream, he came to me as a ghost when I was standing in his backyard. The grass was way too high. It was past my waist. None of the neighbors could see it, though, since the shrubbery was so overgrown. Papa said that it was okay for the grass to be too high since the neighbors could not see it. I wanted to cut it with the old lawnmower. He said okay, but that I should go slowly since the lawnmower was so old.

What was he telling me? I think the message has to do with my life, and in particular, my food addiction. I'll have to think about it some more today. Anyone have any thoughts?

Yes, I am going to the gym today. That's certainly a key to my weight loss goals and to my stress.

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 2,266. Calorie deficit = 185.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Xin Nian Kaui Le!

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

2nd day of February!

BodyMedia FIT data for February 2, 2011
Calories Burned - 2803 | Calories Consumed - 2010 | Total Activity - 0:19 | Moderate Activity - 0:19 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 3633 | Sleep Duration - 8:56 | Lying Down - 9:26 | Sleep Efficiency - 95%
As you can see my total burn is low again.  I didn't get much activity in except going to grocery late in the evening.  Tonight, I might actually get to the gym!  We will see as things are very difficult with 3 kids and this ice that we have now.  I can't believe really that the kids have school today.  The ice is so bad and there is no amount of ice melter that will fix the sidewalks.   My kids are going to have to skate onto the bus as I work this morning.  Argh!

This afternoon, I usually have some free time but today I am doing a Chinese New Year presentation in my daughter's class.  Happy Chinese New Year!

Have a good one... I will try to keep from falling down!
- Tracy

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Yesterday was good day on all fronts! I had good numbers, my workout was fabulous, my Dad's surgery went well, and things at work went well!

At the gym, I even jogged!! I spent an extra 10 minutes on the treadmill and for the time, I walked a minute and jogged a minute. I haven't jogged in years. For a few brief minutes, I even daydreamed about what it might be like to train for a 5K! Maybe, I could talk Tracy into signing up for a 5k in the spring! How 'bout it, Girlie??!!

I have been eating my big meal at noon. Yesterday, I had a ground beef patty (no bun) corn, and broccoli. My midday snack was an orange. Breakfast was Kashi Go Lean Crunch, non-fat milk, a banana and a Yoplait light yogurt. Dinner was 4 cups of popcorn.

From yesterday: Calorie consumption = 1,753. Calorie deficit = 1,103. Aerobics = 40 minutes. Crunches = 75. Weight training = biceps, triceps, legs.

No gym tonight as I have to go to the hospital and see my Dad. Since I'm not working out, I plan to finally stop and get my blood drawn. (I know, I know, I've been talking about that for weeks! Today's the day!!)

Have great day!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Check out that fiber!

1st day of February!

BodyMedia FIT data for February 1, 2011
Calories Burned - 2648 | Calories Consumed - 2000 | Total Activity - 0:04 | Moderate Activity - 0:04 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 2637 | Sleep Duration - 5:23 | Lying Down - 7:18 | Sleep Efficiency - 74%
Overall not a bad day.  Did not get any exercise because of the weather.  I didn't even get to take the dog out for a walk.  It is entirely too slick.  Our driveway is like a skating rink.  I have watched more than one person fall in their driveway today.  I am not all that interested in risking my life this way!  I was reluctant to even let my 50 poun kiddo go to the mailbox because the of the skating rink nature of our yard, driveway, sidewalks and street.  We have a good 1/2 an inch of ice!

Today, we were without power for the entire morning and last night.  COLD!  I am finally getting back to normal after the stress of it all.  To make matters worse... I work from home.  My "team lead" actually told me that I had to come into the office to work.  Not a phone call mind you, I got an email from her (5 hours into my shift).  This all despite the fact that I left a VM for her with my phone number in case she needed me.  Needless to say I am not a very happy person right now.  Today was very stressful to say the least!  

Perhaps I will go to the gym to work off some of the stress of the day!  I need to do something!
- Tracy

February 2, 2011

"Danger! Danger! Chinese Buffet!" And on the first day of a new set of goals! I didn't do that badly, considering. At least I got out alive.

We weren't able to get to the gym last night becuase we had an appointmnet with our tax preparer. Somehow, on the way home Michael talked me into going to a Chinese Buffet. I concentrated on the peel and eat shrimp and the sushi, but I did have some honey chicken and some fried shrimp. Like I said, not too bad considering what I could have gotten into!

Gym today for sure! I will make up the lost day on Saturday.

From yesterday: Calories consumed = 1,837. Calorie defict = 493.

Have a great day!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Last Day of January Reporting...

BodyMedia FIT data for January 31, 2011
Calories Burned - 3251 | Calories Consumed - 2243 | Total Activity - 0:36 | Moderate Activity - 0:36 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 6414 | Sleep Duration - 8:46 | Lying Down - 10:29 | Sleep Efficiency - 84%
Last day of January went well! The only thing that I did that was not following my slow carb diet was to eat a salad for lunch and it had sweet peppers on it!  I swear they tasted like they were dipped in sugar, they were so sweet!  Other than this, and some chili with tomatoes for dinner,  there was no deviation.  

I am loving green beans with almond slivers.  I have to tell you that this is my favorite!
Today, I think we might be having a chicken lentil soup for dinner!  I will serve up some yummy green veggies too.
Have a fantastic day today!  I am feeling absolutely amazing so I will have a good one!
- Tracy

February 1, 2011

How did the month of February go for me? How did I do on the challenge goals set 31 days ago?

BodyMedia give the numbers in 28 day stretches. (So, calories consumed and bured are from January 3rd.) - Janaury 31st

I agreed to a 2 days at 15K. I made 1.
I agreed to 10 days at 12K. I made 6.
I agreed to 10 days at 10K. I made 9. (I picked up one yesterday at 11,809 steps)
I agreed to 4 days at 8K. I exceeded the goal by one day!

For the month, the goal was 750. I exceeded the goal by 175 crunches!

The goal was to eat fish 4 days a week. I made the goal!

Weight loss:
I lost 3 pounds in January. (I started January 1st at 245, last weigh in on Wednesday the 26th, I weighed 242.)

Other important numbers from January:
Average calorie deficit - 560. Average calorie consumpution = 2,208. Average moderate physical activity per day = 56 minutes. Average steps - 8,803. Average sleep = 6:38 hours.

Interesting notes: The calorie deficit indicates that I should have lost 4.45 pounds. At last weigh-in, it was 3. Today, I weighed in and was at 244. I'm used to minor flucuations. My waist is down exactly 2 inches sionce October 24. My waist measurement doesn't seem to flucuate. The problem persists. I am not loosing weight very well. Now that I have visited my doctor, and gottne a prescription for a blood draw, I can go and get a final answer on whether I have some sort of medical condition that's slowing my loss. I had lost my insurnace card and had to order another. It came yesterday. More to follow on this ...