Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011

It's the last day of February. I began this month with such high hopes. I felt that I would have a great month of weight loss and exercise. A lot got in my way this month. Many things I had no control over, like my father's illness, kept me from going to the gym when I'd planned to. Still if I'm being honest, I have to admit that what really got in the way was my lack of committment.

I really only "half-tried." "Half-trying" is better than not trying at all, I suppose. The thing is, it only produces "half-results." That's what I got, half of what I was hoping for.

March 16th is my five month anniversary. Five months of wearing the BodyMedia armband and using the site. When I started 4 1/2 months ago. I thought that after five months I would have lost 50 pounds. My goal was 10 pounds a month. It looks like I may make 25 pounds. Half. That's my theme today. Half. Half isn't good enough. On test, 50% is failing. Half has a bad rap -- "Half-assed," for example.

I lost the wind in my sails this month. I'm in the doldrums. If I were on a ship, I'd start throwing things overboard to lighten my load so that I could sail out out. There's not anything I can throw overboard. I can't reduce my committments or responsibilities. It would be great if I didn't have to work, for example. I could devote my days to exercise.

I need to find my enthusiasm for this project again. How can I do that? A new incentive? A carrot or a stick? Honestly, sticks don't work for me. Giving myself a reward, like a new pair of earrings, seems juvenile.

The original incentive for losing weight was my 35 yeart class reunion that is the beginning of August. I have a dress that I want to wear. I looked at it the other day. Nothing special, really, just a pretty light cotton dress. It still doesn't fit. A lesser incentive was our vacation to Hatteras in June. I have shorts and capris that I want to wear. They do not fit.

If I don't get it together and start really trying, I will not make either goal. The goals are still within reach. I need to find my strength and my committment. Please let me know if you have advice or suggestions!

I got weighed this morning. 238. Exactly the same as last week. My BodyMedia data from yesterday looks good.

BodyMedia FIT data for February 27, 2011
Calories Burned - 2473 | Calories Consumed - 1873 | Total Activity - 0:14 | Moderate Activity - 0:14 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 5774 | Sleep Duration - 6:17 | Lying Down - 7:53 | Sleep Efficiency - 80%.

Have great day! TTYL!

1 comment:

  1. Suggestions...The best thing to remember is that you are always free to make choices inevery moment of every day. When you think about it, that's a real gift that lots and lots of people don't have. I also read in a medical magazine that no amount of exercise compensates for overeating.....not that it's news, but it's a great reminder. You CAN do it!!!!! We are behind you!!!!
