You may be asking why in the world do you continue to try all of these different diets and ways of living? Well, I realized a while back that my life will not allow me to continue to be a gerbil on a treadmill. Life as a mother of 3 does not allow me the luxury of spending 2 hours at the gym each day. In order to make my weight loss work for "the rest of my life", I have to find tools that will work for me for the rest of my life and not just for the short term weight loss! So, working out 6 days a week for the rest of my life for 2 hours is not the answer... neither is severely restricted diets. I am in a process of finding what works well for MY body (we are all different so I don't necessarily recommend doing what I do) and MY lifestyle. I am learning a few things. I need to keep better logs of my progress and the effects of my diet and exercise choices. This will allow me to be as efficient as I can be in my daily life for long term success! Does this make sense? I know I probably seem a wee bit kooky with all of my experimental plans and such... I am really just trying to find a groove FOR LIFE.
- Tracy
Whatever it takes! What your doing motivates you, so it's got to be good! Keep experimenting, Tracy!!