Yesterday was the best day I've had in a while! I ate lots of fruits and vegetables, only whole grain, and kept the fat low.
I wasn't able to get to the gym after work because I had a busy evening. I came right home from work and applied for a job that my sister told me about. It's a hot prospect and I didn't want to miss it. After I finished the application, I headed to my nieces' final school concert.
At the concert, I ran into a an old friend from high school. It's been 30+ years since I've seen him. It was an unepxected treat. Still, I couldn't help but get nagging "fat feelings." I wish I wasn't fat ... If wishes were horses ..
BodyMedia FIT data for May 17, 2011
Calories Burned - 2393 | Calories Consumed - 1891 | Total Activity - 0:34 | Moderate Activity - 0:34 | Vigorous Activity - 0:00 | Steps Taken - 5824 | Sleep Duration - 6:43 | Lying Down - 7:21 | Sleep Efficiency - 91%.
Great news!