Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I have been eating too much the past two days! Since I didn't do any aerobics Friday (due to my extrememly sore legs) or Saturday (a "no gym day"), my deficit has been too high.

I am also refining my new workout routine. I really like adding weight training and switching from an all walking plan, but don't think I'm getting enough aerobics with just 20 minutes on the treadmill or the elliptical. My exercise plan for February will be 10 minutes of walking warm-up on the treadmill, weight training, crunches and 30 minutes on the elliptical. This will be Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday will be "off" days. I'll have an outline for February soon; I like having a chart that I can post on the fridge so I can keep track of how I'm doing!

I am also going to continue to try and consume 1,800 or less calories each day and maintain a deficit of 750 or more. I will eat the bulk of my food at breakfast and lunch and have a very light dinner (cereal, fruit, yogurt). My big meal will be lunch.

I like Tracy's "slow carb" meal plan. I will watch her and consider it as an option. I like beans and could eat them every meal. They are filling, have lots of fiber, and have protein. Since I am a carnivore and plan allows meat, I think I could do well with it. I also like vegetables. Giving up dairy sounds hard, though. My other hesitattion is the fact that I believe a well-rounded diet is best. I don't think eliminating entire food groups is a good idea. Keeping that on the back burner for now.

From yesterday: Steps = 4,994. Calorie deficit = 364. Calorie consumption = 2,004.

Have a great day! Tracy, you're an awesome possum!!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about the food groups. I am going to give this one month to see what happens. I will also be consuming dairy and grains on my cheat day!

    BTW, cottage cheese is allowed. I had some yesterday and am having some again this morning for breakfast. Cottage cheese is the only dairy. It is because it has little to no lactose. lactose is what causes the insulin to rise. when insulin rises to combat blood sugar is when we store our food and do not make muscle. At least that is the theory. More experiments to come....
    - Tracy
