Due to work and my visit to the dermatologist, I didn't walk at all yesterday. Boo! Hiss!! Hopefully, he got the rest of the cells he was worried about. I also had him burn off an ugly spot on the same thigh. The other spot was benign, but it was ugly and I picked at it.
When I was at the doctor I got weighed. Remember my "scale drama" and the fact that my new, cheapy analog scales showed 10 pounds heavier? I bet you thought I was being dramatic and vain, didn't you?? Well, as it tuns out, those new scales DO weigh heavy! 10 pounds heavy! Victory!! I am vindicated! I know, I know, I am still dramatic and vain! hahaha
Honestly, though, it's really not the numbers and we all know that. It's how much fat you carry. It's how much strain you put on your heart. It's really about how fit you are. It's your attitude and your self-esteem. Don't get me wrong, physical beauty helps, too! teehee!
I am fitter and far happier with myself the past 12 weeks. Though I am still not sleeping 8 hours and am not sleeping the night through, my sleep has improved. I average about 7 hours now. My sleep efficiency is about 83%. That means that, on average, I lay down for about 8 1/2 hours, but only sleep 7 of them.
The really big news today is that Michael and I are joining a gym! It's a really close by and very nice! It has a pool (I love to swim!), all the exercise equipment you could ask for, sauna, steam, classes, etc. We are signing up tomorrow! I'll still use the treadmill here when I can't get out because of the kids or whatever, but it'll be great diversion when I get bored. I might even take a class! (All the classes are free!)
I'm not allowed to walk today, but will be able to tomorrow. I did pretty well with my consumption yesterday. I tried to keep things under control since I couldn't workout. My number aren't great, but I did have a deficit.
Steps = 4,685. Calorie deficit = 82. Crunches = 30.
Have a great day!
Yay for the weight! Boo for the Doctor Visit. BUT the rest may be just what you need! Take it easy. I did not officially work out and entire week and I lost like 3 pounds that week. YAY for the gym... you will love it! You can change things up often and it is time that you can spend with YOU! I love my gym time. It is the best time of the day. Not boring or anything. It is just time for me to listen to music and zone out. I am so happy for you!
What happened to my comment? I left one earlier today. Anyway, This was a fun post to read. Enjoy the gym!