Thursday, December 2, 2010

December 2, 2010

I did pretty well yesterday. I didn't get enough steps in, I'd like to hit 9,000 each day and didn't quite make it. Everything else was good, though!

Steps = 8,318. Calorie deficit = 1,066. (!) Water 54 ounces. Sodium 2,138. Fat 28%

The scale made me happy again this morning by showing a loss of 0.4. That's 11.8 since 10/24/10.

I'm proud of my accomplishments! I have made significant changes in regard to activity level and food choices. Sometimes it occurs to me what I did in my "old life." Things like sneak eating, using too much fat as a condiment, not measuring and just not being active.

I'm not even a quarter of the way there, but I know I'll make it. Steady, persistent effort will ensure that I achieve my goal.

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