TaaDaa! I achieved the challenge goal! I took 13,034 steps; that's 2, 034 more than goal. I had a calorie deficit of 1,097 and 1 hour and 8 minutes of moderate activity. Other than my sleep (75% effcient and 5 hours, 13 minutes), it was a great day!
Oh, BTW, I am down 6 pounds and today is day 7!
My first week with the BodyMedia armband had been great! I love the charts, the immediate feedback and the fact that I know exactly what's going on with my body and my weight loss goals.
Today is voting day! We are planning on going voting right after I get off work, so a walk after work isn't possible. We are going out to eat. A day of challenges due a change in schedule. I'll keep you posted ...
WTG BTW! You rock!