Yesterday was a stellar day! Here are my numbers: Calorie deficit = 789. Steps = 11,569. Water = 64+ ounces. Sodium = 2,882mg. Fat = 29%.
Since we began the Christmas Challenge on November 26th, this is the first day that I have achieved ALL the metrics. I'm VERY proud. The scales also budged after holding steady for a week. I am down 10.8 pounds. I hope to be down 20 pounds by December 22, which is my two month anniversary with the BodyMedia armband.
I posted a "fat picture" yesterday. It's on the page called "Diana's Progress." I can barely believe I did it. That's a big step for me, since I even posted my weight. I'm not hiding anymore. I seem to want to scream outloud, "I have an issue! See??!!"
Thanks for listening. Thanks for helping just by knowing ...
Keeping up the good work even when the scales don't budge is really hard. Congratulations! You are doing great.