Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fun with the new treadmill!

Today I am experimenting with the treadmill.

On days when I do not take a walk, I get between 4,000 and 5,000 steps. I have been counting those regular steps as part of my daily total. A walk around the "medium square" takes about 40 minutes and adds about 4,000 steps. That's how I met my step goal last month.

On the treadmill, I walk a mile in about 20 minutes. That makes perfect sense since I have it set on 3 mph. A mile worked out to be about 2,400 steps. Soooooooooo, if I walk 3 miles on the treadmill I will make/exceed my step goal.

I wouldn't really matter how I racked up three miles. I could do an hour all at once, I could do 3 20 minute segments, or even 6 10 mintes segments.

So far today, I have done 2 10 minute segments.

I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I am so glad that you got the treadmill! You are going to love having it available. I am going to move mine up to my bedroom soon. We have to move the recliner out and the treadmill in. Then I will watch tv and treadmill during the day on my breaks from work.
    - Tracy
